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Are you ready for the Autumn Fair

2014-10-06 17:12:00 毕加企划部 毕加官网     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部

Picasso exhibition small as we look back at Spring Fair site, but also for everyone Fair next trip Weapon! I hope you get a hint of inspiration from! Please also find the next Picasso exhibition Autumn Fair cooperation.

1, a ceramic industry sources said, do high-end ceramic Chinese companies a lot of people. However, all these years of Chinese goods mainly low-end line, even ceramics also had an advantage "sink" the. In the high-tech ceramics, Japan leading the way. However, lack of resources in Japan, China, Korea, New Zealand from imported ceramic materials.


2, Jordan Buyer Navgrid in catering trays, glass bowls and crockery, pots and other aspects of the business. He said that Jordan country will also have this facility, but a small number, a single product style, price is also more expensive than Chinese goods. He said that Chinese factories are strong imitation ability, almost like genuine original general. In addition, Chinese factories can digest any design, and can make the product quickly, it can be attached to my brand, so I'm happy to potential buyers in China. However, due to long shipping time, when more anxious, he will purchase in Dubai.


3, the company's image of the animal ornaments, made vivid.


4, this arts and crafts exhibitors, some features make a small sculpture with glass body, such as a humanoid torso sculpture, cannon barrel and the like. The rest, places such as the head of metal. Doing both characteristics, but also embodies the spirit of conservation, environmental conservation action would cater to support consumer groups. In Western countries, energy saving and environmental protection has gained meaning, and therefore reflects the spirit of environmental protection products have a lot of fans.


5, in the arts and crafts exhibition, many exhibitors had played forbidden to take pictures of the logo. However, when foreign buyers photographed them still holding the attitude of tolerance, but once there is a certain Chinese people take pictures, exhibitors often angry Nose bridge, according to the requirements deleted. One exhibitor said, handicraft industry is very terrifying to imitate, indeed there are many competing company sent designers around taking pictures, after the collection of information to take back to imitate. Yes, the Chinese people's bad reputation has spread throughout the world to imitate, in part foreigners will "Made in China" is called "China Copy". The industry believes that Chinese enterprises only strive to innovation in order to enhance overall competitiveness.


6, the Russian buyers Khasan in kitchenware, decoration business aspects. He said that Russia is a huge market, China kitchenware, jewelry accounted for a large share, in addition, Eastern Europe, India, Turkey, the goods are often can be seen in the Russian clothing market, the largest share of Chinese clothing, quickly reached a hundred 80 per. Ukraine and Russia despite the recent political hostility, but in the long run, Russia and Ukraine both countries will maintain close trade relations.


7, this bed and sofa merchants sell little meaning. Placed in the upper bedding, so that buyers own experience climbing up and down the product.


8, the tools can also be a work of art.


9, covered the walls of "insect."


10, the Belarusian buyers is to learn from China. He engaged in plastic products business, in which the country has a factory. To the Fair is to see industry trends, study design, and buy some raw materials. He said that many young Belarus by AliExpress shop to buy something from China, such as watches, mobile phones, shoes are popular online shopping products. Belarus government regulations, through cross-border electricity supplier shopping site, valued at less than $ 150 a month tax-free. Beyond this amount, as appropriate tariffs.


11, a decorative painting in the exhibitors said that this year the market situation decorations in general, not every exhibitor has harvested, and sometimes may even have earned the booth fee does not come back, but occasionally in the exhibition will encounter a major customer then enough to maintain the cost of a few years. Insist business, not every attack must be harvested.


Picasso exhibition Xiaobian for your Weapon

  Fair access to the customer quality, compared to the usual in the mail, telephone contact with the customer is much higher, customers spend a lot of time and money to participate in Canton Fair, cost greater purpose stronger, so the order of transactions may Fair sex is much larger. At the moment, the foreign trade enterprises, the Canton Fair is still the irreplaceable platform.

Organize customer information already before the show

Participate in Canton Fair, in the early stages of preparation in addition to the regular, finishing customer information is vital to communicate in advance is essential. "For key customers, be sure to call or e-mail confirmation will not come, what time, and then prepare materials prices. These customers better communicate in advance to confirm other information, such as a few people come, will visit Factories, talk about what, collated, it starts at the exhibition.

In the exhibition process, how better to do publicity, so that customers remember yourself? We know that the general exhibition site there will be some publicity platforms, such as print ads, online Fair, manufacturers of two-dimensional code, but the effect is not too large, most customers would prefer to go directly to the stall turn, observation booth scale some of the more direct manifestation, or find something of interest in the booth directly, which can then understand. "On the other hand, good quality is not good, nor is through advertising or certificate to prove more attractive to the eye before a live demonstration of a solar panel manufacturers, in order to show the quality and sturdiness in the field to get such a device: the big iron ball fixed on a pole to push the ball to a certain height, pound solar panels, solar panels unharmed. With this perspective, intuitive way to explain to customers the product quality, which is better than the seller to ten thousand customers that are it works.

At the show, there is a very important point, do not ignore the Chinese people, for some reason, fear of competitors to inquire about the intelligence, some exhibitors do not want to Dali Chinese people, which may miss the opportunity, "Many foreign companies at present, For example, the Americas and Europe have offices in China, so most of the time the agents participating, they have the right to decide whether or not to sign a single, so if you do not want ignores them, maybe you and pass the orders. "

Good conversation records and customer identification

As a major part of the Canton Fair, how to communicate with customers? How to identify customers? How to maintain good relations with customers after the meeting?

One customer communications. First, for some customers, in principle, we would have a direct quote. Many customers ask directly offer, such as to respond to the exhibitors, will take too much time; second, to deepen the impression of enterprise customers. In the face of new customers, to make customers remember you, the customer has too many companies and options, after many customers walk around, put the enterprise to forget, and therefore choose to have impressed the company; and third, Sellers should focus on how to get buyers to remember their company and products, with the brief of language, information is not intended to put much of the directory to the client, but should provide a portable, such as twenty-three folded leaflet.

The second is to identify the customer. First, look at the customer there is no transaction records, have not done before such a product; second, to judge the situation from the customer visit. Picked up the cards and directories, such nothing will; ask detailed product specific situation, talk to procurement and product demand, worth up after the meeting. Third, if there is interest in the plant, then, we need to focus on. "Time is running at the Convention's case, the customer will not put too much time on the company, but if the business is of particular interest to them, they are willing to visit the factory, this customer is worth the focus tracking.

The third is customer focus. When communicating with customers, to make a record and identification ready to book, or make annotations directly on the card, which has targeted attention to the wishes of customers have traded. Emphasis should be concerned about these situations: First, to what products; Second, the goal of which country; Third, customer wishes, is casually stroll, is the need to focus on, or sit back and dwell over, etc; four, to customers Price, interested customers product model and configuration. So as not to after the show, do not know how to deal with business card. Word not too sloppy, did not know what else is written, or the situation appears inconsistent business cards with people.

Took the opportunity to understand the peer information

As in recent years, the economic situation changes, the Canton Fair this export trade "barometer", the signal displayed has not as optimistic people. In this regard, industry experts believe that "the effect is really not as good as before Fair, Canton Fair is growing, allocated to a company, corporate commitment rate smaller. However, this will depend on the strength of enterprises. Too many choices, how to allow customers to attention to choose their own strength or the first element;? Second exhibitors whether professional, familiar with the situation or products and peers, will effectively improve the customer's expectations of the benefits of improved product expectations that price even if the product is relatively high, it will be the customer to make a weighted average of the expected case analysis. In addition, the Canton Fair, through face to face communication, to the customer's impact is relatively large, in this case, how to use this time to just a few customers impress, no matter the price, quality, service can also usually say it is not convenient to say, say customers are whom to buy, how much to buy, how to price, how the product, through the Fair this platform to understand.; Third, information collected counterparts in customer visits before and after the Fair is not a great time, with business cards and catalogs, find something you are interested peers, exchange business cards and information under performed communication. "

In terms of other enterprises and business, how to better participate in the show? First, put a good attitude, do not have the customer sign a single high expectations, site signing customers are few customers walk around the show before his request is not fully confirmed signing, and mature companies do not value during the Canton Trade turnover reached; second, to improve their hardware and software. The effect of the Fair is a relative term, though the effect of variation, but still see how to improve their own hardware and software; and third, whether traded or not, seriously. Some old business is not positive, customers come regardless, just wait until the customer has a problem just to stand up, but only to business cards and catalogs. No matter how, it is difficult to say whether this will be the wishes of the customer transaction. Some foreign companies through trade company originally purchase, but now want to go directly to China procurement, these companies may not really understand the market, understand foreign trade, so some clerk look down on them, but these customers often it is the most promising deal, if intentions of service, it may give you considerable orders.

Picasso exhibition, Chinese well-known booth design company, China Association for Exhibition qualification unit, is designated Fair booth contractor, are companies looking for exhibition's first choice. Exhibition design chose Picasso exhibition.

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