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Four drawbacks of the development of exhibition industry in China

2014-10-07 10:06:00 毕加企划部 毕加官网     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部

The development of the exhibition industry as a whole showing a thriving state, but manifested in the exhibition compared to developed countries and China's Hong Kong, the domestic exhibition industry, but the presence of either the general characteristics of immature, non-standard, not supporting shortcomings. Specifically, the drawbacks of exhibition industry development mainly in the following four areas:

(A) Product innovation is not enough similar

China's exhibition industry is still in the small, quality is not high, lack of innovation in the extensive management phase, is the most direct expression of similar products, this is the inevitable result of the show generally small scale. Generally speaking, China's exhibition industry similar products is mainly due to the following two reasons.

First, the industry management system is not perfect. In the absence of a unified industry management department, resulting in long exhibition, repeated exhibition, exhibition and other low-level phenomenon. In addition, the exhibition market order is chaotic, urgent need to improve the industry regulations. Although China has promulgated the "Decision on foreign economic and technological exhibitions held in the territory" and "sales management approach", to bid for a variety show made some provisions, but these management measures has been difficult to adapt to the new situation of China's exhibition industry development.

Second, enterprises affected by short-term profit-driven obvious. Our exhibition business is affected by short-term economic interests of the larger, most enterprises lack the brand awareness and long-term concept behind this philosophy reflected in the exhibition activities is as much as possible the operation of the exhibition, rather than on the content of the accumulation and improve quality, thus affecting the domestic exhibition brand building.

(Ii) the small scale, weak competitiveness

At present, the size of the domestic professional exhibition mostly in 20,000 square meters or less, the scale reached 50,000 square meters of exhibition less than 10 per year. In addition to generally small scale exhibition, the country's repeated exhibition, more than exhibition image is also not uncommon.

In addition to generally small scale, the single, ancillary services lags behind other reasons also affected the content of the exhibition overall competitiveness of China's exhibition industry.

(Iii) the structural imbalance uneven distribution

Structural imbalances in the exhibition industry comprises three meanings, first is the area of ​​structural imbalance, this point is the uneven distribution of the corresponding. Regional structural imbalances in the domestic exhibition industry has two distinct forms, one regional exhibition industry development imbalances. Second, the state of the exhibition venue construction control failure. On the spatial layout, the exhibition industry in China exhibits diffusing characteristics, the provinces have proposed to develop exhibition economy, with little attention to their own city location, resource conditions and market environment. Secondly, on the whole, the structure of the national pavilions scale imbalances. According to incomplete statistics, China's current exhibition venues more than 150, of which only the last five years of the new exhibition area of ​​10,000 square meters of exhibition hall there are more than 30 months. However, due to the spatial layout and grade structure is irrational, the national convention and exhibition industry generally can not meet the demand of the emergence of supply problems.

(Iv) lack of talent market disorder

Compared with the exhibition industry in developed countries, the domestic exhibition industry market order is chaotic, especially small-scale repeat of the exhibition problem is more serious. First of all, there is no authoritative department to the exhibition industry for unified management and unified marketing. Secondly, government action is obvious. Foreign exhibition industry and the government-led, market operation is almost the opposite, large conference or exhibition sponsored by many of our city government, the government on the one hand to the specific operation of MICE activity interferes too much, on the other hand the overall infrastructure and promotion exhibition and other important issues did not play its due role.

Competition exhibition industry in the final analysis is the talent competition, but China's current professional exhibition exhibition planning personnel, especially, is the lack of other decoration and marketing high-quality personnel.

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