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The people sit up and take notice of exhibition industry in Dongguan

2014-09-30 09:10:00 毕加企划部 毕加官网     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部


   We look at Dongguan Exhibition Industry, it found its development is really impressive.

Last month successfully concluded its sixth diffuse Fair attracted 443 domestic and overseas exhibitors, an increase of 6%; 5 days organized 88 activities, an increase of 17.33%; turnover of 3.49 billion yuan, of which the contract deal the amount of 1.155 billion yuan, 2.01 billion yuan turnover intention, field sales 325 million yuan.

Man Expo is just a representative of Dongguan Exhibition Industry.

If you fall back to ten years ago, maybe it is hard to believe that, caught in the middle of two major cities of Guangzhou-Shenzhen, Dongguan, a manufacturing city known, even to the development of exhibition industry a resounding success. So far, there have been including the Chinese processing trade products fair, a series of high-profile brand China International Television Animation Copyright Protection and Trade Expo, including the exhibition in Dongguan settled.

Since 1990, the success of "reform and opening decades of Dongguan achievements exhibition" since the exhibition industry in Dongguan Yi exercises had been gone 24 years. 2013, Dongguan City, Guangdong Modern International Exhibition Center has, Dongguan International Convention and Exhibition Center, Changping Convention Center three professional exhibition hall, covering a total area of ​​552,000 square meters, the outdoor exhibition area of ​​about 150,000 square meters, an indoor exhibition area of ​​about 13.3 square meters indoors over 7000 standard booths.

According to incomplete statistics, in 2013, Dongguan City, an exhibition of over 100 games, more than 5000 square meters exhibition scale of 44, with a total exhibition area of ​​1.57 million square meters, the General Staff 15 400 exhibitors, attracting buyers and visitors more than 2.1 million visitors, exhibitors products related to electronic machinery industries, textile and garments, furniture, paper and printing, metal molds, food and beverage, animation, and automobile. The overall size of the exhibition industry in Guangdong Province ranked third, the first prefecture-level cities.

MICE industry seems to have become one of the characteristics of Dongguan city economic and cultural characteristics of Dongguan, "Origin exhibition" Exhibition Mode also gradually "out of the water."

Industry insiders, origin Office Dongguan exhibition mode, refers to relying on the local organizing specialized industrial exhibition industry characteristics, and the formation of the exhibition industry and manufacturing mutual promotion and integration of the development of the situation.

Dongguan Municipal Committee, Municipal People's Congress Chairman Xu Jianhua repeatedly said that the exhibition industry is a high-end services, and it is an important part of modern producer services. Dongguan, Dongguan Exhibition stimulating effect on the economy can not be overlooked, for the development of modern service provided experience.

Origin exhibition start ▶▶ break new ground

Dongguan is famous because of advanced manufacturing, development and manufacturing as demand mature, do the show is also increasing. Under the huge demand, Dongguan Exhibition industry from the 1990s began to sprout, and quickly enter the "barbaric growth" stage.

The mid-1990s, hundreds of Humen garment enterprises, but not many know Humen clothing last century. In this way, Humen Fashion Fair emerged since 1996, November 15 to 20, held the first session of Humen International Garment Fair, and with great success. Today, the annual "China (Humen) International Fashion Fair" has become an international business platform Humen, it opens a window to the world, let the world know Humen, Humen clothing awareness, increase continued momentum for the Humen clothing industry, Humen fashion more so renowned Chinese and foreign.

Two years later, Houjie and Humen Town neighborhood, but also prepared to rely on the advantages of industrial furniture planner Furniture Fair. Deputy Secretary General of Dongguan Famous Furniture Club Fang Runzhong recalls when he was involved in the preparatory work Furniture Fair in 1999, since then still an emerging Furniture Fair exhibition, preparatory staff will visit each of the country's furniture industry. Continuous travel, from morning to evening are small, and often stopped by factory security, have to find ways to see the factory manager. Humen Town by letter when Secretary Tan Zhiqiang Speaking Humen Fashion Fair held at the beginning of the case, but also for the country Humen clothing promotional materials distributed everywhere the day fresh.

March 1999, the first Furniture Fair in Houjie opening. This was only 232 exhibitors small exhibition has been successfully held 32 sessions, the exhibition scale expanded from 40,000 square meters to 780,000 square meters, forming the world's third, Asia's first professional home exhibition.

In 2009, Dongguan in the context of the expansion of the domestic organized the first foreign-invested enterprises in Guangdong domestic product exposition, three years later, "outside the Fair" was upgraded to a national exhibition "China Processing Trade Products Fair" has become the only direct service upgrading of processing trade of national exhibition. 2014 China Processing Trade Products Fair will purchase enterprises reached more than 6300, an increase of 14.5% over the previous. Where over one hundred billion yuan of retail business two, over 50 billion yuan of nine.

Back in 2006, on "the first government led exhibition Innovation and Development Forum" held in Beijing, industry experts have proposed two new Dongguan and Yiwu exhibition mode. Dongguan Exhibition mode where the origin of the main features of the exhibition as highly positive and focus on domestic exhibition industry. In fact, Dongguan Exhibition mode is not static, it has been from the current Dongguan Exhibition "exhibition of origin" to "Fair trade and integration," and together with the exhibition industry constantly upgrading hardware and software supporting the new and improved model.

This "origin of the exhibition" mode, in multiple Towns everywhere, "one town one product" derived from the "One Town, One Show," "one industry to show" the emergence of a large Beijing-Kowloon agricultural fair, Tangxia Triglobal Council Hengli Mould Exhibition, Houjie footwear exhibition, "Taiwan Fair" exhibition and a number of characteristics, and promote the further development and promotion of local industries.

The 2013 Sixth China Urban Development Conference and Exhibition government led exhibition Innovation Summit, Houjie Town because the founder of "International Famous Furniture Fair," won the General Assembly, "Chinese cultural exhibition of new towns Innovation Award." This also allows a better understanding Dongguan Exhibition mode. Chinese Yuan Exhibition Economy Research Association, said at the meeting is green again, Dongguan Exhibition for the development of local industry with the formation of positive interaction, to achieve the exhibition brand, economic benefit, researchers will organize industry experts study concluded Dongguan experience.

In addition, the exhibition industry in Dongguan original venue property belonging to different subjects, but the right to operate a unified "integrated management" mode also by domestic peer recognition. Previously, Shandong, Hunan exhibition industry peers a special trip to Dongguan research study, the subsequent establishment of the exhibition management company in the local area, drawing exhibition Dongguan enhance the level of experience.

Experience ▶▶ "exhibition market" is the touchstone

Dongguan government at all levels of the exhibition industry in an important position, to take "the government putting up the stage for enterprises" approach, to create a good development environment for the development of the exhibition industry. In this context, the early introduction of market-oriented and professional exhibition mode, experience is important to accelerate the development of exhibition industry in Dongguan. In 2011, Dongguan City, issued a "Dongguan City, promote the exhibition industry development program", the exhibition industry is clearly an important part of modern service industry, is a commodity exhibition and trade, economic and technical cooperation, scientific and cultural exchanges as a whole, both the information an emerging industry consulting, investment, transportation, urban construction, business travel services and other functions.

Dongguan was also proposed to be constructed, "South China Industrial Exhibition City", give full play to regional advantages and industrial advantages Dongguan municipal levels concentrate resources, adhere to the development of industrial exhibition, comprehensive, consumer, culture, class exhibitions supplemented .

Early in 2011, Dongguan City in the top ten exhibition projects identified and intensify support at the same time, the exhibition clearly will promote market-oriented operation, gradually changing the focus of the exhibition in Dongguan Most of the show is a government-led, operated directly by the government as the main event The situation, accelerate the pace of market-oriented transformation of the exhibition. Focus shifts to government planning guidance, policy guidance, enhance services, coordination and promotion up. The importance of socialization of the exhibition has been repeatedly confirmed in the exhibition industry practice in Dongguan. For example after the Dongguan Famous Furniture Club was founded, exhibition services gradually shift from the government to rely on market-based, directly contributing to the rapid development of the Furniture Fair and success.

"China (Guangdong) International Printing Technology Exhibition" held every four years in Dongguan. From 2007 held the first start in Houjie, it quickly grows, in 2011 the second exhibition area reached 120,000 square meters. At present, China's second largest, world's third largest international printing exhibition.

Another lesson is the importance of the exhibition industry in Dongguan of hardware and software development. March 2002, the Guangdong Modern International Exhibition Center inaugurated the first phase, became Asia's largest single museum exhibition hall, the convention center has become one of the three major international exhibition center in Guangdong. Furniture Fair is the east side of the square to build a new pavilion area of ​​30,000 square meters of the two exhibition halls, and was officially opened in March next year. Chinese Yuan Exhibition Economy Research Association, then green then that the development of the exhibition industry in Dongguan, thanks to early improve the basic hardware facilities.

Today, Dongguan has Guangdong Modern International Exhibition Center, Dongguan International Convention and Exhibition Center, Convention Center Changping three major professional exhibition hall, only a Guangdong Modern International Exhibition Center, the furniture exhibition area has reached 780,000 square meters, based on This year will be in Hall 3 east side of the square to build a new area of ​​30,000 square meters of the two exhibition halls, as Hall 3 G zone, next year can be put into use.

Upgraded ▶▶ big step towards the brand and internationalization

In addition to the local industry is closely related to industrial development, the sudden emergence of Dongguan Cultural exhibition also attracted the industry's attention. 2009 organized by the China International Television Animation Copyright Protection and Trade Fair (referred to as "diffuse Fair") is a national cultural exhibition, the exhibition aims to plan an international perspective as well as the development of China's animation industry to build China's animation industry's most Jia docking platform. From 2011, "Man Fair" key projects included the implementation of cultural province of Guangdong Province Plan, the construction of cultural province of Guangdong has become an international high-end platform, known as "China's animation industry barometer." Held in August this year, the sixth diffuse Fair, there are more than 630,000 people participated in the activities, and diffuse Fair of turnover is to reach 3.49 billion yuan, the exhibition of "international, professional, industry, market, brand "specialties further highlighted.

Picasso exhibition, Chinese well-known booth design company, China Association for Exhibition qualification units, Dongguan major brands official contractor, is the first choice of companies looking for exhibition companies. Exhibition design chose Picasso exhibition.

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