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China's exhibition on the road a few hum see Padme gnaw off

2014-09-29 09:55:00 毕加企划部 毕加官网     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部

Picasso exhibition Xiao Bian learned in some provinces of the research, there is a poor system management mechanisms, laws and regulations lag and other issues of the current development of exhibition economy, has become an important obstacle to the road of powers of the exhibition. Experts suggested that the exhibition should be clear economic development ideas, streamline the functions of the government and the market, learn from developed countries in economic management and exhibition services, venue operations, global market expansion, the successful experience of other aspects of industrial cooperation, promote the healthy development of exhibition economy.

Those policies difficult to force legal lag no laws

Reporters learned that some industry insiders believe that China has not established a relatively standard exhibition industry management system, parts of the exhibition that the exhibition business in general procedures are more complex, the cost is too high, there are many bottlenecks mechanism unblocked.

First of all, "who should control" is not clear, overall coordination and integrated management mechanism exhibition industry has not been established. Nanning force to help Exhibition Co., Ltd., general manager of 李林杰 said, "Fairs approval should be, but the obstacles are too many intermediate links, we really need government support, but very hard to deal with government departments, 'mother' too much, often do not clear who is responsible, who finalized. "

Liu Dake, director of Research Center Exhibition Beijing Second Foreign Language Institute believes that the government functions, the exhibition industry centralized management of the business sector, but in our country to cancel approval of the record system in the domestic exhibition, the entire exhibition industry showing a "tube format" and " grasp the project "and" mismatch "phenomenon. Relevant government departments such as agriculture, culture, education, science and technology, health and other systems may approve the exhibition industry, but these sectors in the exhibition format and exhibition industry management functions and do not have permission to centralized management.

Secondly, the role of the exhibition industry association to be further explored. Changsha City in the tower Exhibition Director Du said that although many cities nationwide have established exhibition industry association, but there are status unknown, unclear responsibilities and rights and other issues, the lack of action to make associations implement the "starting point."

Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce deputy Ren Zhongwei said that the domestic exhibition without appropriate management practices, exhibitors, organizers and hall duty their commitment is not clear, the lack of basis leading to disputes difficult to resolve, especially in the economic compensation is often not timely paid, resulting in some exhibitors For banner blocking the road and even extreme behavior much trouble to the government have occurred, resulting in adverse social impact.

Again, relevant laws and regulations should be improved. China in recent years involving international project approval, relevant regulatory IPR protection, etc. are gradually established, such as the Ministry of Commerce issued "guidance promote the exhibition industry during the '' on 'second five, China Trade Promotion, Ministry of Commerce jointly issued "economic and trade exhibitions organized abroad approval management approach", but at the national level has not yet introduced the exhibition industry laws and regulations.

Deputy Director of Academic Research Steering Committee of China's exhibition economy 任陈泽 Yan said that although each part of the city's exhibition industry introduced a management approach, but there are more general provisions, operability is not strong, out of touch with the current situation and other issues. Exhibition legal construction industry seriously lagging behind the actual development of the market, the relevant departments to rectify management industry market weakness, resulting in some show heavy breeze light investment, re-light service revenue, disrupted the market order, against the event exhibitors viewers have also occurred.

International Exhibition giant beach landing threaten local development of China's exhibition business

First, the international exhibition giants to enter the Chinese market to accelerate capital. Experts said that with the success of the Shanghai World Expo will be held as a symbol of China's exhibition highlights the economic potential. It also contributed to the European and American Exhibition Company joint venture in China to accelerate the pace of mergers and acquisitions. Shanghai International Exhibition Co., Ltd. President Guchun Ting said, now Hanover, Frankfurt, Milan, Italy, Britain and other European Reed exhibition industry giants have taken root in China.

According to reports, in the top group of 50 Chinese exhibitors, foreign-owned or joint venture of the Group accounted for 26 exhibitors. Hannover Exhibition Centre, Munich Exhibition Centre, Düsseldorf Exhibition Center in Shanghai International Exhibition Co., Ltd. was set up in Germany, became a shareholder Shanghai New International Expo Center. With a wide range of customer marketing network, strong financial support, international exhibition giant exhibition for China's local enterprises to create challenges.

Secondly, the security industry has been challenged. Shanghai International Exhibition Co., Ltd. President 顾春霆 said: "The foreign exhibition companies come in, in the first three to five years almost did not make money, but very actively grab market, once mastered the advantages of an industry exhibition, not the same. "Minsheng Securities vice president of research, said the Friends of pipe clear, through a large-scale professional exhibition can be quickly mastered the entire industry information. It recommends that the relevant departments attach importance to the development of exhibition economy, strengthen research on key industry show, growing international influence of Chinese independent brands trade show for the Chinese enterprises to go out to play a greater role.

Experts said that Germany has to obtain UFI certification more than 40 institutions, equivalent to only half of the country, but the number of international exhibition held annually more than 100, the profit is twice the country. Our group has more than 90 development agencies certified by UFI, the number of ranking first in the world, but in brand appeal, operational efficiency, and other aspects of the professional level, we need to learn from the United States and Europe.

The experience of Europe and America to build a global MICE industry chain

First, the integration of the global industrial chain, to control the high-end market. Exhibition Institute executive president Zhang Min of Shanghai University, in recent years the economic crisis has led the European exhibition market downturn, the major exhibition more giant hopes to strengthen control of the global industrial chain to increase profits. Currently, the only exhibition in Dusseldorf, Germany, a company set up offices in 108 countries and regions. The world's number one British Reed Exhibitions is the "Thinking Global, Acting Local" as its core concept, in its long-term focus of the electronics industry, Reed annual exhibition held high 12 games in Asia It has been the world's best producers and buyers into the pocket.

Second, pay attention to enhance the brand image, perfect service system exhibition. Show exhibitors for American and European countries have higher qualification requirements to ensure that the exhibition of professional standards and the turnover rate, so as to have greater appeal. British Reed Exhibitions Greater China official said: "Reed is not a lot of professional exhibition open to the general public, such as Electronics Show, the general area of ​​only 20,000 square meters, but a booth fee to four or five million, and all is the world's best suppliers and buyers, benefits may finally produce higher than China in some exhibition space of over 100,000 square meters of exhibition. "

On the support services, the United States has a special exhibition industry enterprises "overall service contractors" that can provide the transport of goods, set up the stage show for exhibitors, trade visitors, catering and accommodation package of legal services contract, which greatly improve the efficiency of enterprises exhibitors .

The third is separating the professional development, focus on intellectual property protection. Ze Yan introduction, in 1896 the United States established its first exhibition dedicated to the Governing Body "Detroit Convention Bureau." German Government through the German Trade Fair Industry Association of the German Trade Fair Industry macro-control, and its main functions include strict industry rules to ensure fair market transparency and openness, organization of professional training, basically pavilions built by the government investment, but are long-term lease or commission in the form of business to the large exhibition hall franchise management company, for specialized operations.

Exhibition economic experts Yu-hua said that the developed market economies explore the development of a complete set of laws and regulations in the long process of economic development in the exhibition, such as Germany and other European countries have regulations on the exhibition name given to the protection of trademarks similar to stop exhibition It will be identical and crash protection brand exhibition.

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