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Play fair planning "goal"

2012-11-16 10:40:00     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部

Football fans all know that is the most exciting goal, even the strongest of the two teams battle without goals will feel a fly in the ointment. But on the contrary, many beautiful attack often in the last finishing touches the time difference furnace waste best scoring chance, let countless fans sigh, cry father maniang. Fair planning actually equivalent to play a ball game, perhaps pre exhibition will plan special perfect, however, when the implementation but often because some small flaws and come to naught, visible, the enterprise participate in the exhibition was prepared for each, attention to detail, then it would not be in the critical chain.


Xiao Bian believes that the exhibition planning must pay attention to the following aspects of the details:
1, reading "Exhibitor's manual carefully.
< exhibitor manual > is exhibitors to enter the fair guide and save money. The content of the manual concise, inclusive of the all the information at a session of the fair, including schedule of the exhibition, exhibition hall plans, registration procedures, exhibitors, the exhibition, transportation services and so on. Can guide the exhibition will pre planning work methodically expansion, not as a critical moment only to find that some of the files are not prepared, or do the things not to do.

2, pay attention to the role of the participants.
Exhibitors to spend a lot of time, money and energy to organize exhibition work, often put all to attend the exhibition tissue preparation to ignore employees working on the side. In fact, these people are special envoy of exhibitors, should advance warning they exhibit the purpose, content and expectations and assign proper work for them. Well trained and familiar with the details of the participating employees, to establish the United Company, professional image, but also enhance the company in the audience to the status in the eyes of the.

3, familiar with product presentation technology.
Exhibitors staff must master products presentation technology. Exhibitors should communicate with all staff before the opening, whether the employee of the company or temporary employment personnel, visit the audiences would see them all as a representative of the image of the company. These people are familiar with the exhibition booth layout and exhibits demonstration.

4, do a good job in follow-up work.
After the end of the show, often appear slack psychology, like playing a tough battle just want to rest, after the show follow up work is usually ignored, which is participating in the taboo. Follow up ignored after the show, only to make preliminary effort has been put into water. Fair planning should be established before the opening of the table, for daily follow up and arrange specialized personnel responsible, timely follow-up will let the customer feel our sincerity, also helped to exhibitors understand during the exhibition signed orders how much can perform.
Plan to catch up with change, fairs planning only do a good job of the prepared, in the key link more carefully, more detailed, it is possible to advantage for victory, scoring.



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