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New ways of exhibition industry

2014-08-01 09:50:00 毕加企划部 毕加官网     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部


     In recent times, the exhibition industry's attention on the mobile Internet is gradually rising. Needless to say, the impact of mobile Internet on the exhibition industry is growing, but we still can not easily draw a conclusion: in the end the mobile Internet will reshape how the exhibition industry? Exhibition industry will be impacted severely or subversion, or will it embrace the mobile Internet and then achieve a virtuous combination of online and offline? Or also, convention and exhibition industry will continue to maintain a consistent industry characteristics, and the mobile Internet is only valid as a supplement? For these questions, we can only use an expert present Shangqie usual "wait and see" to answer.

Mobile Internet and new technology behind it surfaced, the new service is one of the new avenues of exhibition industry. This new business, some of which is already more mature, such as registration of the show, APP, reservation paired micro-channel marketing; some emerge, such as the exhibition hall where buyers routes induction type positioning and more accurate exhibition content push; some only knew it would be a gold mine, but it is unclear how to dig real money, such as large data cute. Mobile Internet and cloud-based technology, developed specifically for the exhibition industry software and service is the most imaginative and most exciting exhibition industry in the new business. It is foreseeable that the near future, meeting the price will likely not a package price, but can be split into a single group meetings / thematic prices accordingly points a formulation. A group meeting a price, a price General Assembly. Thus, participants could choose to attend most of the club is parallel to their appetite and pay the corresponding dues. As another example, 30 potential participants initiate their own action similar to collective bargaining, collective agreement and the candidate Topic speakers and a willingness to bear the price, and then request the organizers invited the designated speaker. Picasso Xiao Bian think and now popular customized services such as reverse operation also have a market.

     The opportunities discussed above is not original, except such "new" avenues, the exhibition industry in fact there are some traditional but remained localized innovative new opportunities, new model. In fact, this type of business, not to mention a number of new, can be attributed to a more professional, more intelligent, division of labor is more detailed, more perfect service, experience even better business.

    Devaluation of the wireless network. In particular laying and WiFi service. In many domestic high-star hotel, open WiFi network found that most services are provided by the Japanese company NTT Docomo. After the guests, then enter your own name or room number, you can enjoy free WiFi or reasonable prices, stable high-speed network. Which is a smart WiFi. There is also a professional company from China Unicom, telecommunications and other infrastructure operators hands and then sold wholesale broadband convention and exhibition organizer, the organizer or the venue, by the price advantage and quality of integrated services. Future demand for broadband and wireless networks will certainly be growing, but not that the larger the bandwidth, the better, but that needs to be able to get with a network-related integrators.

    Followed by food and beverage. Dining Exhibition Center is always a vexing problem, whether it is consumer or professional exhibition exhibition or meeting for lunch, not complaints are "wonderful." Chinese people's eating habits is different from European and American people, like noon to eat rice and stir-fry instead of a sandwich or burger. Lihua fast food with suppliers such as on-site heated subject to various conditions, the bigger problem is that the organizers are not sure how many people today, participants dine tomorrow, how many people dine participants, so the strength of the big fast-food companies reluctant with the show organizers cooperation, and small fast-food companies are unable to cope with the needs of thousands of people for lunch. Market calls for professional, real strength, good quality food feeding company, the Government can help solve the problem of Shredded fixed invoices, then hell.

Finally, there is the home service. I heard that Guangzhou has a professional company dedicated to the foreign exhibition in China to do home service. For a long time, home construction company service varies, as we all know, some do some "deal" with the organizers so that organizers of its prices, the quality of service we are unable to say anything. Sized exhibition, new exhibitions in fact highly dependent on home services, some common services, such as water receiving coherent electrical connection, carpet, standard booth, environmental guides, display equipment rental, site registration and certification and verification, venue, exhibition site control and other such decoration design and electronic engineering, can do standardized, modular service, performed by a professional company, not only can significantly reduce the price, you can also enhance the professional services of the entire show. Now, many organizers are willing to use college students as volunteers, not knowing that these volunteers even the furnishings are not really a lot, but desk should provide the real information services.

   Picasso in this small series of meetings to organizers and conference center colleagues say one more thing, with the exhibition of the meeting more and more, but the conference organizers do not realize the importance of a professional home services company hired. In May this year, the National Convention Center hosted the exhibition included two major conferences, the exhibition is located in the conference area rather than the exhibition hall, the area is 5000 square meters, respectively, and more than 8000 square meters, the two meetings did not hire home construction company, progress , dismantling confusion does not say, and nobody scene management, WiFi one meeting paralysis, not only increased the number of parties to the pavilion security risks and pressure, leaving the organizers spent a lot of money wasted.

      A conference, an exhibition, to be successful, capturing attendees, exhibitors and the audience's heart, only more professional. A sponsor, a organizer to the meeting before, during, after, before the show, exhibition, participants in line with expectations after the show to provide services, only the help of a professional company. The division of labor, it means new business opportunities for contractors from the original exhibition venues even points out alone to become a new business.

       US There is a saying, Meeting meanssuccess, translated into Chinese is the "meeting means success." Xiao Bian Picasso exhibition industry is still optimistic.

       Picasso exhibition, the most professional exhibition official contractor in Guangzhou, the country's first marketing-type booth design company, so that every time your display will become the highlight of the show, let your every input, to be satisfied with the return!


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