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For cooperation and strategic alliance to help cross-border Exhibition

2014-07-31 09:58:00 毕加企划部 毕加官网     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部


      Exhibition Industry has resources highly integrated economic characteristics of the value chain from the production point of view, the integration of R & D, manufacturing, process and marketing. It follows a vivid metaphor: just an exhibition, the theme like a golden thread to the industry mature, shell-like product nodes together, playing a delicate necklace. Thus, flashes like exhibition themes and excellent integration means becoming an important element of the success of the show opened.

       Integration, everywhere, cross-border consolidation is filled with the charm and challenge; and the scarcity of resources but also determines the integration process of the marginal competition. So, with the integration of students must be accompanied by fierce competition.

       Solve the power often comes from multiple parties have the most authoritative public right of intervention, namely administrative tools; things that the market will eventually need to be resolved by means of market, under certain rules of the game to show their skills.

      On the current China's exhibition industry, play a role in the integration of the body are: relevant government departments, such as the Economic and Trade Commission, Commerce Commission, Bureau of Exposition, exhibition Office and other; interposed between government and market industry associations; and inter-city, inter-provincial, Exhibition alliance between regions. These resources are an important force market players actively sought. On a single exhibition project, at the right time and place, to find the right partners often determine its success or failure.

       Since the first half of this year, Guangdong Province, the development of the exhibition industry has a certain influence of microscopic events have several:

      Beginning of this year, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce formally, spring and early summer when the formal establishment of the Guangdong Provincial Foreign Economic and Trade Office and the Guangdong Provincial Economic and Information Technology Commission of Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce incorporated the relevant offices, exhibition management functions degree of unity, ended exhibition hall management committee belong to different phenomena;

       Guangdong Province Exhibition annual report officially renamed as "Guangdong Province Exhibition Industry Development White Paper", the Guangdong provincial government is willing to give

       To effectively play the role of community organizations, under the guidance of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce and social organizations of the Authority, the Guangdong Enterprises Association exhibition group exhibition was officially established.

      From the status of the industry organization, the national organization of the exhibition has been the industry's pain; provincial industry organizations big and empty, the same place far below the provincial association dues municipal associations, and difficult to collect. Similarly, the cross-border organization earliest northeast Exhibition Union, then there is the Yangtze River Union, the PRD alliance, then there is the National Urban League convention (and in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, the Union can not be registered in the form of community organizations, can only be registered in physical form), Actually Friendship Club.

From the cross-border cooperation mechanisms, the South China region, Guangdong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Cooperation Forum fast, and the essence of the three governments in public promotion and communication platform. In the meantime, the local economic and trade cooperation to absorb the functional departments, industry associations and members of the League. It is worth noting, promotion, exchange of friendship above organizational activities throughout the whole story, but the economic effectiveness of the microscopic, perhaps political, economic wisdom of inadequacy.

Recently, with the birth of the Guangdong Enterprises Association exhibition group exhibition by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce and courses Macao Economic Services of special funds to help the commencement of the public were invited instructors from Australia and Malaysia training company teaching professional exhibition, the theme of "bid and management of inter-regional exhibition Workshop ", the wish by sharing experiences and practices in Australia, Southeast Asia and other countries, in an interactive way, market players to guide the integration of resources by means of strategic alliances, bid to expand cooperation in international exhibition. The practical training workshops to be addressed is cross-border cooperation between Guangdong and Macao exhibition. But the policy of sharing is concerned, indeed for both practitioners exhibition opens a window.

Overall, to maximize the integration of government, industry, organizational resources, take the appropriate strategy, is bound to achieve good economic results. Here and share one or two.

About bidding strategy, the principles need to follow the requirements of:

First, it plans to expand its use to promote the winning bid;

Second, there is the promotion of programs for decision makers, because even if you bid at the technical level is the best, but if not for the decision-makers to promote the plan, you may still lose to a weaker opponent;

Third, the bidding may be wealthy political activities;

Fourth, the bidding program to help strengthen communication and decision-makers and from their support.

Preparatory work, including the establishment of an effective bidding committee (local organizers); the establishment of bidding strategies; preparation lobbying and promotional items; effective promotion bid depends on a detailed bid summary.


Establishing core architecture and its role, the Commission refers to the establishment of local organizers. Usually requires a local agency association meetings assume organizers; looking for potential local organizers; convince local organizers invited international and regional conferences to be held locally; subsidiary or branch associations to join the International Association; member of the internal support for the Association.

Bid for the necessary support and planning, including the meeting of the Board to assist the bid and provide ongoing support and advice, to establish industry experts, such as professional conference organizers, destination management companies, exhibition companies.

Clear roles and responsibilities, mainly in the use of interpersonal influence key decision makers and influencers; gather market intelligence; the establishment of government support from local and regional industries; designing a business plan that let people know why you are recommended to choose destination.

As for how to carry out bidding activities?

The first is to carry out promotional activities, recognition and lobbying decision-makers and influencers, including project has a, organizers, policy makers, influencers, recommenders.

Need to identify are:

Which bidding campaign on etiquette may or may not accept, including publicity and promotion when there is nothing you can do, what not to do, propaganda means and frequency; decision-makers to understand the latest technology; and who can not be contacted; What is an acceptable strategy; how the cultural level of activity considerations; establish what kind of core information, that is why the audience to select your preferred destination; identify what is to promote opportunities.

Secondly, issues related to risk control worth mentioning. For example, prompting the bidding group to ensure consistency of message; compared to other places, the advantage you recommend the destination; policymakers consider important competitive advantage; transport, infrastructure and costs; a scientific program; and other prospective members.

Again, there are other issues to be considered, including the reception, souvenir, promotion brochures, CDs, destination information, a lucky draw, small gifts.

And another important topic and bidding accompanied students is to build strategic alliances.

Strategic Alliance is a competing form refers to company resources, skills and capabilities combine to pursue common goals, while maintaining a separate entity of voluntary partnerships. Motivation is to protect the long-term competitive advantages, competitors are working together to expand market share, complementary who is expand the product range. Meanwhile, in the former joint venture, merger or acquisition, which can be seen as a test sample.

Build strategic alliances that benefit by gaining more resources, market, technology, capital and human resources to obtain competitive advantage; so that partners accelerate growth and expansion; expand the range of products and services; more focused on the exchange of innovative knowledge and skills; SMEs can be more effective and larger rivals; greater market penetration: the expansion of the sales team and expand the market; geographic expansion: globalization; economies of scale to reduce costs; supply chain synergies.

How alliance? Following points should begin:

Develop a long-term vision, objectives and strategies;

Scoping Union, including the degree of commitment and resources;

Clear results and benefits expected;

Defined contribution and role of the parties;

Determine the structure and operation of such matters in order to achieve results;

Intellectual property protection agreement within the company;

Distinguish between competition and non-competitive activities;

How to master the operation and are regulated Union;

Ensure the company's culture is compatible;

Aware of the relationship will depend on the trust.

If the consolidation as a MICE business development, cross-border cooperation and development purpose, then the bid will become an important means to help enterprises to enhance certain period of time, while the alliance is to achieve an effective vehicle for the purpose.

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