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The writing exhibition design in "IP MAN" Legend

2012-11-09 08:54:00     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部


Presumably many people have seen the Yip Man movies or books, period must be IP man to defend the dignity of people impressed, admire the enigmatic poems on boxing. Especially in one scene of the IP MAN Dalei came to power, the ten scenes of a challenge is a deep memory. Nowadays, more and more Chinese companies to look to overseas, hope to overseas exhibitors, but overseas exhibitions there is a difference between many of the domestic exhibition and competition of foreign enterprises also increased participation risk. Therefore, enterprises need to through the exhibition display design company to assist and provide foreign professional exhibition design, in order to achieve a "hit" the legend.
Picasso exhibition Xiaobian believe that participate in foreign exhibition to attract the industry's most influential companies, Chinese enterprises can take to understand the market, broaden their horizons, to stimulate business improvement, product development. At the same time, to foreign exhibitors also for Chinese enterprises provides image display, opportunity to enhance the visibility, but opportunity often and challenge coexist, so foreign enterprises exhibitors have to do the work of exhibition design:
1, exhibitors language to cross the border
Foreign exhibitors, communication is very important. Chinese enterprises is less sensitive to the cultural differences, and exchange of foreign enterprises tend to blindly propaganda their products and to neglect the communication, and communication premise, of course, is the language, so must good language.
2, product image design to be a brain
Exhibition design do not require exhaustive, but should be put in an important position selling exhibits. Some exhibits image itself more rigid, but foreign companies through a variety of techniques such as sound, light and electricity, can let originally static things became very lively. And some Chinese enterprises just put several Zhangxuan transfer painting and flag hanging, the propaganda effect is greatly reduced. In addition, the exhibition information should use English or exhibition where language, but also to ensure that the information is accurate. Exhibitors brochure also have greatly exquisite, some enterprises want to in a book to all the data says, in fact, as long as the fist product is enough, the brochure for foreign enterprises are thin and fine.
3, preparation and follow-up work can not be missing
Enterprises overseas exhibitors, except for the exhibition display design, prepared in advance and exhibitors of the follow-up work is also very important. In front of the exhibition, according to the early invite customers, focusing on the visit some targeted exhibitors and potential customers, mutual exchange of information, promotion of cooperation projects. At the same time to accumulate in exhibition arrangements the exchange activities, through seminars, lectures and establish a corporate and product image.
Foreign exhibitors need to do better in detail, more perfect, exhibition design also need to conform to the foreign visitors aesthetic point of view and value and taste, only these are well. In order to calmly in overseas exhibitions, Yimapingchuan.




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