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On the relationship between the world cup and China Exhibition

2014-07-23 11:29:00 毕加企划部 毕加官网     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部



World Cup curtain falls, new and old tyrannical catch on the athletic, technical and tactical level class, known as the highest level ever. But the World Cup is also no shortage of mockery, with the Soviet Union teeth bite your mouth comparable embarrassments, only about four in Asia did not bear a win, lost a net 25 the ball.

Before the expedition, the situation is not the case, South Korea and Japan frequent rhetoric, and said into the quarter-finals is the bottom line, there is the confidence to enter the semi-finals, good luck might win.

Called "hardware, experience, enterprise and determination" not bad for the whole Asian region why not four bears can be kicked out and self-consistent results expected? This is not only worthy of the Chinese soccer team to sum up, it is also worth booming Chinese exhibition session Jieti reflection.


One industry chiefs to borrow a saying to describe the current format: "This is the best of times, worst of times."

Picasso exhibition Xiao Bian believes that its reason for optimism is that we have sufficient funds to support the show, have the best, the biggest, newest venues, there are more and more young practitioners exhibition, there are more and more organized brand experience exhibition; and pessimism is precisely the reason stems from the above four points, the best times to catch the exhibition who had plenty more surging ambitions to catch up with the international journey script habitually ignore the level of development and innovation and the absence of constraints, we are still lacking power and Barbara international Exhibition emboldened pull to pull the wrist.

This is like the World Cup and the ambitious task of shouldering the national revival of Japan and South Korea soccer, both teams barely forced a draw, he battle to ink. With the teams play the exchange courage, presence of the surface is not very passive, but the lack of a fatal pass, broke a radio, a lack of resourcefulness, the two teams also praised doomed, tragic characters Miles soy sauce.


Han did not feel the difference between Japan and South Korea two teams, but in reality the difference in understanding of football and understanding, the Great Leap Forward was eager to jump into the pit, we can not put a good hand into a winning situation. And always I wanted to cast off the "silly money" hat of Chinese modern service industry, and how to overcome Vals between hardware and soft power, a quality to face this the best of times it?

Poor people want change, the Si-rich. As in recent years has been strong support for China's exhibition industry, the pace of development should not be lost in extravagant, we should actively seek ways and featured in the fullness of reason and reality backbone, rather than follow the old path of extravagant.


A set of data shows that China's development of various types of tea, ceramics exhibition, exhibition and all kinds of wedding supplies class life Gift Show, every year several hundred times, only the most obvious difference is the time and place. Stadium filled, the financial funds are disbursed wholly exhausted, can we show for China's exhibition industry belong to their respective exhibition industry, what is the power to promote it.

Time has the best training base, most funding was the most advanced tactical analysis and structural model of Japan and South Korea two teams recognized by the actual real gap, this gap is comprehensive, is the use of the new powers, 532 or 343 even 424 formation "tonnage" defeat in no way is a GuoZiHao news agency analysis "lack of height resulting header unfavorable" caused. Sooner or later, China's exhibition industry will usher in a world-class test, internally and externally comprehensive conditioning hard skills - this is a beyond slogans and ambitious proposition. .


Colorful boarding was escorted South Korea, but it is time to usher in the return flight of rotten eggs, and low cost has been staggering and quite high-profile Chinese exhibition industry, will usher in the spring when the quality of development?

Picasso exhibition, ten exhibition companies, AAAAA exhibition design company, the first company to create a marketing-type booth design, production plant 10,000 square meters large-scale exhibition, exhibition design class make your booth stand out.





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