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The Eleventh China ASEAN Expo September debut in Nanning, Guangxi

2014-07-23 17:38:00 毕加企划部 毕加官网     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部



Eleventh China - ASEAN Expo in Nanning, Guangxi will host the 2014 September 19 to 22, the exhibition set up merchandise trade topics, cooperation themes, Trade in Services, advanced technology topics, "Magic City" investment five topics. Singapore will host the country's current theme "Magic City", National seminar leaders and entrepreneurs Dialogue-country activities and other topics.

The exhibition will focus on the FTA upgraded version, the show focused on creating value chain, extending more value-added services for the cooperation of market players. Relevant person in charge, said: "session only trade show commodities by country, but also in information services, financial support, strengthen support services transport and logistics, legal cooperation, customs facilitation and other aspects of the first held China - ASEAN E-Commerce Forum, held in China - ASEAN great. Judges Forum, China - ASEAN Commercial Law Seminar, held in China (Nanning) - Singapore Economic Corridor Mayors Roundtable important nodes, also held China - ASEAN Financial Cooperation and Development Leadership Forum, etc., in order to create a better business environment . "

In addition, the 11th exhibition from the service "10 + 1" cooperation to the service "10 + 6" RCEP ("Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement"), expand cooperation, first introduced invited guests State mechanism, Australia has been confirmed as This year the country invited guests and group participants.

In addition to China - ASEAN, the professional audience the United States, Canada, Germany, France, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Hungary, Switzerland and South America, the Middle East and other countries and regions are also encouraged to register participants, visitors outside the region will be more than the previous .

Commodity Trade

Industry integrated display, one-stop shopping to meet the needs of


Food and beverage services of bulk raw materials for consumer goods products

Chinese Goods

Construction machinery and transport vehicles Pavilion (outdoor pavilion):

Construction Machinery Vehicle Logistics Machinery

Food processing and packaging machinery exhibition

General Machinery Packaging Machinery Machinery

Electrical equipment and new energy exhibition

Transmission and distribution of electrical power plant substation equipment automation equipment wire and cable and application of new energy technologies

Electronic appliances exhibition

Communications equipment green appliances

Building Materials Exhibition

Fenestration sanitary products, new building materials

China - ASEAN Expo agricultural show (Guangxi Exhibition Center)

Agricultural machinery and equipment for agricultural production agricultural aquatic animal products

Food ASEAN Coffee agricultural services

China - ASEAN Expo Light Show (South China City)

International Commodity jewelry gifts

Investment Cooperation

International Economic Cooperation Zone

Showcasing international project contracting, labor cooperation, resource development, information technology, energy development, infrastructure construction, investment and other parks.

Investment cooperation Showcase

Show "Maritime Silk Road of the 21st century," the key areas of cooperation economic cooperation zones overseas, cross-border economic cooperation zones, bonded areas, interoperability, maritime cooperation, financial cooperation, cooperation in logistics, port cooperation, port cooperation

Advanced technology topics

Advanced Technology Showcase

Showcase Chinese innovation and technological achievements, new energy and energy saving technology, electromechanical and electronic information technology, modern agricultural technology as well as the ASEAN countries projects.

Trade in Services

Content of financial services, travel services and cultural cooperation.

Charm City theme

11 host country will select a representative of the strength of the city as their "Magic City" display, and organize promotion activities and related activities in the city exchange session. (11th Expo China's "Magic City" has been identified as the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.)

Fair main activities

High-level forum:

China - ASEAN Business and Investment Summit

China - ASEAN "21st Century Maritime Silk Road" Economic Cooperation Forum

China - ASEAN Environmental Cooperation Forum

China - ASEAN Technology Transfer and Innovation Cooperation Conference

China - ASEAN Financial Cooperation and Development Leadership Forum

China - ASEAN Mining Cooperation Forum and Exhibition Recommend

China - ASEAN Strategic Dialogue think tank forum

China - ASEAN Cultural Forum

Trade docking activities:

Power Trade Cooperation Matchmaking

Materials Vietnam Sourcing Fair

Food processing and packaging machinery special procurement matchmaking

China - ASEAN quality fruit promotion activities

ASEAN corporate procurement Matchmaking

Chinese enterprises procurement Matchmaking Session

Investment promotion activities:

China - ASEAN Industrial Park Investment Conference

China - ASEAN Cooperation Forum on Infrastructure

Chinese Embassy Commercial Counsellor ASEAN consulates and entrepreneurs exchange

China and 10 ASEAN countries, investment promotion

Financial support enterprises "going out" a series of activities

Investment and financing projects Matchmaking

Project Signing Ceremony


China - ASEAN Expo Trade Shows:

2014 China - ASEAN Expo Culture Exhibition

Time: Year 2014 5 29 - June 1

Location: Nanning International Convention and Exhibition Center

Show Content: cultural essence, animation games, media and publishing, cultural and creative, leisure and health

2014 China - ASEAN Expo forest and wood products exhibition

Time: 25-28 September 2014

Location: Nanning International Convention and Exhibition Center

Show Content: furniture, wood products, specialty forest products and processing, woodworking machinery, forestry Economic Development and Cooperation

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