To reduce the cost of Canton Fair exhibition design build a trick
2015-02-07 11:30:00 毕加企划部 毕加官网 点击数: 来源:毕加企划部
Fair soon arrived, although many companies are willing to spend money to make a special booth, but also can reduce money booth set up costs, today Picasso teach you how to reduce the Fair exhibition design and construction costs.
First, the design-structured
Picasso exhibition design company in the design drawings, there will be a standard, "full-featured, corporate image, design and innovation" as the design basis, if it finds the creation of a Picasso exhibition booth can be recycled for use, regardless of the number of sessions to attend the Spring Fair design or can put to use, modifications could stand all the details. Imagine, a structured design booth How much money can you save it?
Second, consider the fine decoration materials
As a powerful exhibition companies, the strength of the construction team should be guaranteed. But a second-class exhibition company construction errors may occur, how to avoid construction mistakes it? First, we must determine a good construction plans, construction plans to reduce the change in the way of construction, construction plans are modified is a very troublesome thing. Originally relatively short construction period, which would increase costs, not only the venue rental there is the workers' overtime costs. Exhibitors beforehand and construction companies if a little more time in the design and construction of communication, not only can save resources, but also to establish exhibitors and construction companies, "high quality, efficient" image.
Fourth, to promote creative enterprise booth
Creativity can be said that the main features of modern business promotion and display. And creative success lies in individuality. The more personalized the more to give people a shock, gives a shocking, unforgettable, and thus play the market as the most effective, most efficient marketing communications. This form of individuality involves positioning, innovative imagination, the choice of materials, unique structure, color processing and manner shall integrate and unify. In other words, that stands unique shape, color, craft, style, etc. to the organic integration, so as to form a complete enterprise or exhibits personality.
Fair booth built successfully demonstrated in front of an audience just moments provider performance parameters, but also the exhibition showcased their strength when we know the true needs of our customers through exhibitions, in many competitors, stand, drive sales!
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