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[booth design] how to choose the Canton Fair specially installed

2014-08-28 18:24:00 毕加企划部 毕加官网     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部

Choose Canton Fair special equipment contractors exhibitor is a need to do the homework, as the previous special structures designated Canton's Picasso exhibition is a well-designed, quality clearance, first-class exhibition company reputation.

       Canton Fair exhibitors choose special equipment contractors should consider the following:

    1. Contractors must have a legitimate business qualifications

   Contractors must have a legitimate business qualifications, with qualifications Fair engineering construction; construction and installation with professional and technical team, have a fixed business personnel engaged in the exhibition works; while ensuring adequate human and material resources to complete the move within the specified time, dismantling work.

    2. Expertise and knowledge more comprehensive

Contractor not only for the exhibition design and verification plan, but also bear the monogram exhibition, exhibition Registry, office, opening ceremony, reception area, shop signs, etc. do not, and the arrangement work. Official Contractor's technical team should have complete control of the interior design and decoration technology, engineering knowledge of the structure, drawing and painting models knowledge, exhibition display rack and construction aspects of knowledge, as well as electricity, water, machinery, fire and other aspects of knowledge and technology.

    3. We have a wealth of experience

Layout and exhibitor group requires that each exhibition hall is not the same, experienced contractors can be based on the layout of the pavilion exhibitors and groups intent, deal with design and construction issues, so the booth design and build both practical and nice, but also to highlight the theme of the exhibition, to ensure that the purpose of the booth design and artistry.

      4. Familiar exhibition space and its facilities

       Exhibition move-in, move-out time is limited, in a short time to complete the move-in and move-out task, especially exhibit the task is completed, we must also achieve the desired effect, which requires both experience and contractors have to be familiar with the exhibition grounds.

       5. Reasonable price

       Contractor provided the price relationship to the group of exhibitors and exhibitors both high and low cost, for a group of exhibitors in terms of direct impact fluttering prices, thereby affecting the interests of exhibitors. Therefore, the group visits the contractor exhibitors, the price factor is one of the key factors examined. Group exhibition booth contractor Party requested to provide a reasonable price, but not as low as possible, the price is reasonable premise is to build quality and service are guaranteed.

       6. Compliance with rules and regulations pavilion

       Contractors should be familiar with and comply with move-in, move-out, construction regulations, consciously obey the management group exhibition by site staff. For the pavilion restrictive requirements, such as: the height of the booth, exhibition display rack such as the use of restriction passage and public land, fire and security aspects of the restrictions and requirements, you must understand clearly stands and booths can be set up to ensure the smooth progress of Nymphoides built. Closing time to pay attention when dismantling the standard booth must be in order after dismantling exhibitors all leave.

       7. Providing maintenance services booth

After a good booth, contractors should also undertake repair and maintenance services booth. If the exhibitor booths have to improve and to adjust the requirements, as long as these requirements are reasonable and feasible, the contractor shall provide the necessary services.

Picasso exhibition, 115-118 Canton Fair special equipment contractors, national top ten exhibition companies, China Association for Exhibition qualification, Guangzhou Exhibition Chamber of Commerce governing units.

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