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Booth design exhibition layout how to win"

2014-07-31 12:03:00 毕加企划部 毕加官网     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部

     Exhibition layout often determines an exhibitor at the show's winning or losing, how to attract more quality customers, how to show a corporate brand identity and product advantages, is all exhibitors should take the time to consider the most problems. Simply put, the exhibition layout following points should be considered:

       Exhibition booth design considerations of arrangement

   Exhibitor if stronger, is currently selling more products, it should consider its focus is the brand rather than a product. Manufacturers can choose one to two distinctive products as the representative of the brand, stand to make too fine, so as to reflect the brand's charm. Other auxiliary materials is also very important, such as the company's profile, which has been developed over the product, the product is the award-winning, what awards ...... which should be fully reflected in the auxiliary material.

If exhibitors weaker, such as just getting started in the industry, or less-developed products, then manufacturers should focus on its goods. Booth is a key factor for the weaker buyers manufacturers do not understand, we can only establish a brand image through the booth. Booth layout is also very important for such firms, focused, strong buyers confidence in the product. At the same events and the implementation of various preferential measures to attract buyers.

       Arrangement Show Notes: It should have a positive attitude, success or failure can not be traded on the spot

   Trade Fair as the name suggests, the first show, followed by the transaction. Like people into the store, not necessarily have to buy things. Those who can not hope to participate in the exhibition of the vendors sell many products on the spot, but can not ask visitors who come to buy some products.

For manufacturers, Trade Fair activation by sales of course is important, but visionary business, much more than the requirements of turnover, the most important thing is to display their products and establish brand-oriented enterprises to improve visibility for the future product sales paving. Therefore, even if there is no spot on this show fair deal, just put your brand imprinted in people's minds, it is also a performance.

       Arranged exhibition Note: do the preparatory work

       For manufacturers, participated in the exhibition is a very important thing, to do the preparatory work, publicity and marketing will complement each other.

      Exhibitors to accurately measure their strength: what products intended to show? How much should book a booth? Booth what position is more appropriate? How should the booth layout? Whether you need other auxiliary materials? Auxiliary materials to promote enterprise-based or in its main brand? ...... These must all be taken into account.

       Arrangement Show Notes: The ability to spot its staff determines the effect of the exhibition publicity

       In its booth, in fact, tantamount to the scene to do publicity, so the ability to field its staff determines the effect of publicity on the show, and even farther, also affect the sales of the product after the exhibition.

As a field sales personnel, first of all to be polite and generous, patient and meticulous. Many exhibitors at the show the consumer, to do finally. For consumers who visit the exhibition, buy and not buy it is relative. Excellent sales staff is not personal, good sales attitude, we can give consumers leave a good brand image will help sales.

       Arrangement Show Notes: Participation dynamic activity

Show organizers will provide a forum to engage in some activities, such as skills competitions, seminars and the like. Manufacturers should seize the opportunity to sponsor and participate in these activities in order to better display the company's brand image.

Picasso exhibition, the national top ten exhibition companies, exhibition layout ten years experience, specializing in Fine Arts design team to provide to the enterprise unique booth design and high-quality construction site.


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