Picasso using the new host, the speed of industry leading efficiency
2014-10-28 17:01:00 毕加企划部 毕加官网 点击数: 来源:毕加企划部
In order to provide customers with better friends, more efficient service, recently, the headquarters of the bijia exhibition in Guangzhou technology were upgraded, the replacement of the host, the host Albert and design department head in addition to the newly introduced large majority of previous host on the outside, the performance after blasting regular host, this "giant" memory 40g, dual-CPU24 core, completely beyond the ordinary host 4-core 8-core, tested a surface point file 160 million, more than 10 file size also the normal operation is conducive to large-scale exhibition halls and pavilions stand design.
bijia exhibition has been dedicated to the pursuit of the technical, technological innovations and also the company "dare, dare, novelty, and development" spirit of enterprise coincide, which is why the bijia exhibition has been in the industry leader of reasons.
bijia exhibition, Guangzhou ten exhibition company, to create moving, all the way to you!