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Original show business play two-dimensional code so to play

2014-10-24 11:08:00 毕加企划部 毕加官网     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部


Because of the popularity and the popularity of mobile devices, the rapid development of the Internet, two-dimensional code has quietly become an essential marketing weapon. Shopping sweep the tour, filmed entertainment sweep swept away, sweep the party to eat ...... scan code everywhere.

Whether it is the consumer market, or fair, two-dimensional code of marketing will eventually become a marketing norm. How will the two-dimensional code exhibitors used the show better? Here are some cases you may find a lot of help.

Create more compelling experience

According to a recent United Nations survey, among the world's seven billion people will have 6 billion people use mobile devices, and the number is still rising. Popularity of mobile devices, expanding the capacity of the fast moving consumer goods market, marketers can quickly find opportunities in this two-dimensional code came into being. This two-dimensional graphic black and white directional distribution of the exhibition industry, while not new faces, but they happened to become the exhibition design and marketing of essential elements, founder and chairman of the exhibition of Tim Patterson Salem Communications, said: "Many people are not seriously considered how to use the two-dimensional code "Live Marketing, marketing director of market together with Tim Patterson recommended the following two principles of efficient use of the two-dimensional codes: two-dimensional code must be used to communicate better; D code login page must be optimized for smartphones.

So what is the future direction of the two-dimensional code is it? Experts predict that the two-dimensional code will be transformed into a "flat trading goods", such as the contents of the PDF file more three-dimensional type of product specification sheet, and as a strong interactive experience activities and video display, two-dimensional code becomes more dynamic, interactive. Especially in the exhibitions and activities, the two-dimensional code can be used to create more compelling experience. If you also want to apply to the two-dimensional code on your show, let's learn about these six companies is how to use two-dimensional code to attract the attention of participants!

The card can also be very 3D

The two-dimensional code printed on the card is obviously not a new idea, but usually two-dimensional code card designers are confused on the most inconspicuous location. In Fusion's case, 3D three-dimensional sense of design will make it stand out from a series of business cards; bright color design echoes Showcase, participants saw the card will immediately think of the company's booth. In the show we can get so designed business cards, may well be exhibiting an activity experience.

In addition, Fusion company employees returned to their different stands zones designed a unique two-dimensional code, two-dimensional code and therefore is where to get participants will be easily identified. And been swept a two-dimensional code, it will immediately open to Fusion's official web side.

The two-dimensional code to the customer in front

In order to allow more participants to the company's free app downloaded to their smart phones, two-dimensional code technology developers RedLaster, at the international Consumer Electronics Show for exhibitors who designed a scan code scavenger hunt program. Instead of letting participants discover at the venue of your two-dimensional code, it is better to select the two-dimensional code directly to their eyes.

In the exhibition center, or whether it is on the coffee cup dining area attendant uniforms, two-dimensional code design everywhere. Exhibitors sweep the two-dimensional code is downloaded to the company after the free two-dimensional code scanning app, then came to the company's booth will begin scan code treasure hunt. Walked into the booth area, participants will use a two-dimensional code to download the app scans the aisle propaganda signs, follow the prompts in the exhibition center continue to look the other four two-dimensional code to be scanned. In the first two-dimensional code, the participants will log on to a registration page, use the name, phone number and email to be registered, there will be prompt to find a two-dimensional code after registration, and so on, until participants sweep After the two-dimensional code.

In addition, each prompt also features introduced with the company's products or business information RedLaster cooperation, in treasure hunting process at the same time achieve the effect of publicity, many exhibitors with 30-60 minutes of time Saowan all the two-dimensional code. After the event, RedLaster participants can also use registration information and then sends the relevant information and promotional materials of the company.

To powder me

Nobody read microblogging will not have any role in marketing. In the amusement park and attractions Expo, Qubica AMF Worldwide companies to the two-dimensional code combined with social networking tools, the company's booth at the entrance set up a sign that says "Are you ready to powder me?" Is the slogan at the top The company's trademark, the bottom is the company's Facebook and Twitter link address, the address at the bottom also with two special two-dimensional code conspicuous. Exhibitors will appear while scanning the two-dimensional code Qubica Facebook and Twitter page, in order to encourage participants point praise or powder company's home page. This simple tips to Qubica's Facebook and Twitter attracted a lot of fans, daily updates company news will attract many followers reproduced or comment.

Guide the behavior of participants

Windo Displays is a retail communications company, in an attempt on the world's largest retail and exhibition equipment Industry Expo to show you how they are using the slogan to guide the behavior of participants.

Participants will be guided a Progress station, until finally checked out. The company stands in the aisle in front of put a floor mat, floor mat printed with the two-dimensional code and read, "I sweep" This eye-catching slogans. Exhibitors sweep the two-dimensional code, the will appear the words "I just wanted to tell you on the floor advertising also extraordinary results" on the phone screen, below will guide participants browse Windo Displays official website. If you see such a design at the show, you are not also moved by?

Not refuse maker

High print brochures are usually costly and time-consuming. Especially for a regular product replacement company, each show will need to re-print the update information remaining after the end of the exhibition brochure will become garbage.

Sega Arcade company successfully avoided this problem, each product they show on their own, are provided with two-dimensional code, after the visitors for their interest in the product scan code, immediately log in to the introduction page of the product, above Detailed product features commentary, details of the show, instructions, etc., and there are new products, video trailers. In addition, Sega Arcade company also can determine the popularity of each product based on the number of scan code for each product.

Kodak offers nine two-dimensional code

Maybe sometimes you want to understand the product exhibitors more comprehensive information on the content of such billboards becomes very limited. Let's look at Kodak in the face of such problems is how to do. International Consumer Electronics Show, Kodak offers a nine-dimensional code to the exhibitors, participants can learn through the scan code almost all stands products content. To ensure that participants never miss a two-dimensional code, Kodak also set up a special booth space in the two-dimensional code app instructions for use, beside a detailed presentation of nine two-dimensional code.


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