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4G came, what to take to embrace the exhibition industry

2014-10-23 10:47:00 毕加企划部 毕加官网     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部

Whether by attendees, exhibitors pushed, or organizer, contractors initiative to guide attendees, exhibitors, future conferences, exhibitions will have many new experiences.

Not long ago, on October 14, China Mobile at the National Convention Center officially opened 4G network installation. In addition, China Unicom's 4G network is still among the final installation and commissioning, but soon will also provide services.

    China Mobile 4G network at the National Convention Center officially opened this day, Picasso used a friend's cell phone Xiaobian tried it network effect, the results were surprising - "This network speed is too fast, beyond imagination, this experience 32 really have to give praise. " Picasso Xiao Bian also consulted another friend 4G network using Internet experience, he said in the office and on the road, the average speed of 4G reach 20M to 30M. A few days ago, Albert and small series is also self-sufficient in 3G network speed, it seems really kinda not quite a child.

During the 2014 APEC meeting to be held in Beijing Week, National Conference Center will undertake most of which meetings and banquets, the Conference Press Center is also located at the National Convention Center. Therefore, the National Convention Center be take a ride, opened the 4G network, but I do not know is not a domestic first 4G network-enabled venues.

In fact, not just "big up" hotels, conference centers have such blessings. "Beijing Daily" reported on October 14, at present, Beijing has more than 8,000 buses have been upgraded and wireless LAN has opened service. To the end of October, Beijing will have 12,000 buses launched free wireless LAN service. After the upgrade 4G card, the total bandwidth of the entire LAN can reach 50M per second. Please note, there are two key words - "free" and "bus."

The original public worried 4G tariffs will be frighteningly expensive, and now it seems acceptable, and we are willing to Internet hearty and spend hundreds of dollars a month. Of course, the most fundamental is that people now can not do without cell phones, are looking forward to the high-speed network speed. In the entertainment and communications, we spend time only growth is on the phone, and the time on the radio, TV, PC machine takes in shortening (of course some people driving possible on the radio spend time more), This means that people are willing to enjoy all the convenience and pay phones. For young people, there is a feature that they like to watch the video, but with the 3G network to watch video cache jams often occur, or not play at all the case.

4G coming, what does it mean for the exhibition industry?

First, the client (the exhibition organizer, the organizer) to the Convention Center, the hotel needs 4G network will become a basic requirement, just like WiFi same. Because their customers, namely attendees, exhibitors, visitors strong demand for 4G networks. Venues should take precautions to make early preparations, as soon as possible installation, commissioning good 4G network. In turn, this is a selling point for the venues. The 4G and WiFi has a different place, is the free WiFi is the venue, the hotel's own money to pay for telecom operators, and 4G mobile phone users to pay their own traffic to mobile operators, will not give the convention center / Hotels charge extra burden.

Secondly, the conference and exhibition organizer, the organizer to immediately make the appropriate service upgrade for 4G network, application development. For example, young people like to watch the video mentioned above, originally limited to network speed. Now, 4G network to speed issue is resolved, so the organizers, contractors should match up, either APP or micro-site is not the content of the video you can add? Currently, we are talking about more are developed based on micro-channel, based on the development of Baidu is not a direct number can also try out? Whether by attendees, exhibitors pushed, or organizer, contractors initiative to guide attendees, exhibitors, future conferences, exhibitions will have many new experiences.

Again, conference center, exhibition center, hotel and convention suppliers of services or equipment is relatively old can gradually "scrapped", such as a business center in the Internet and print services (copying needs also will be less and less), the organizers Meeting document pocket advertising volumes, CD, U disk small gifts and so on. If the service provider can not anticipate client (organizer / contractors and participants / exhibitors two categories) of the new demand, it will miss the opportunity, snatched away by another service provider business. 4G network for service providers does not necessarily mean a reduction in terms of the needs of customers, cost reduction, to see if we can seize the opportunity.

Finally, based on the new technology for the exhibition industry 4G network, the new service will come into being. Picasso Xiao Bian very much looking forward to experience good, low-cost (preferably free users) exhibition of new technologies and new services.

The rapid development of today's world, we ought to have something new sensitive and reverent. Picasso small series to replace the phone's SIM card immediately, catch 4G Network Express.

Picasso exhibition, Guangzhou ten exhibition company, to create moving, all the way have you.


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