[booth design] how to build a marketing platform for enterprises to create wealth
2014-06-18 15:57:00 点击数: 来源:毕加企划部
(1) 随处参观
(2) 收集信息
(3) 要求看一些展品或演示
(4) 有交流的欲望
This fact has the following effect on booth design
(1) the overall layout of the booth to be easy for the audience to find the content of interest, the exhibition area and exhibits categories should be easy to distinguish
(2) language and visual information to be clear and accurate, so as to ensure the dissemination of information to the audience by the pin
(3) to display the visual information to convey visual information, to fully display the advantages of the product, so as to add to the visual information to induce the audience to participate in the exchange.
(4) interpersonal contact and communication should help the audience to understand the product, the company image, and then make the decision to purchase.
Of course, the construction of booth test should take into account the following factors:
(1) space layout
(2) paving materials
(3) building techniques or methods
(4) ceiling design
(5) partitions, wall panels
(6) booth props
(7) lighting
(8) color design
(9) structural requirements
(10) words and pictures
Exhibitors must be aware of this, we performed the booth design is to highlight the company's image, audience as to the company and other companies confused. Booth design and no need to wantonly luxury, there is no need to special construction experiment. To ensure that the audience can see most of the information, because the audience only in to see the exhibits, and access to relevant information, in order to truly concerned about it. Therefore, whether to show, sales or advertising should for audience. Mainly in the following two aspects:
(a) product display
To fully demonstrate the fine point of all the exhibits, exhibits means more attractive more quickly to seize the audience's attention. On display, and exhibits the quality than quantity more important, the key is demonstrating products useful to users to the audience. From the audience's point of view to consider how to show, that is, the exhibitors to stand on the position of the audience to consider an issue.
Before the product on display, it is better to consider the following questions:
(1) the design, color, and packaging of the exhibits compelling?
(2) whether the visual effect of the exhibits can be further enhanced by applying color and lighting?
(3) the audience can arbitrarily close to the exhibits? Or some small items to be protected to prevent damage or theft?
(4) whether the exhibits can be displayed on the actual display? How much space is required?
(5) what information needs to be designed to provide
(6) how to display the company's services?
(7) how to show the benefits of the product to the user?
(two) props
Exhibition area and discussion area of the exhibition props and equipment should be placed neatly, the color is appropriate, the quality is excellent. Pay special attention to the following areas and props:
(1) booth to provide information
(2) the discussion area for placing tables and chairs
(3) bars and pubs a stool (small bar has the advantages in discussions and does not occupy the room, here is tasting tea, while a short conversation)
(4) cabinet with lock and glass cabinet
Now the mobile phone sector you don't know Apple, Samsung, millet you out, and for the exhibition, you don't know marketing booth not only out, you still can be others to eliminate. Marketing booth to the actual display effect as the standard, provide exhibitors the full exhibition marketing strategies and skills, let you go in front of the exhibition industry.