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Exhibition planning "was able to perform wonders"

2012-11-15 09:14:00     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部

Jin has a Taoism profound magistrate, called Xu Xun, a, bad harvests, local farmers can not afford to pay the taxes, so he called the people to pick stones, and then cast a spell, with the hand of a finger, the stone into gold, in order "to complement the people owed taxes. Exhibition, professional exhibition design company is actually the contemporary Xu Xun, decadent for magic, through a series of exhibition planning so that enterprises in the exhibition" the shining, become the audience sparkling "gold".

Xiaobian that should have "able to perform wonders" technique, need to start from the following aspects:
1. Booth. Primary task is to look good, the fundamental task is to help the display to reach the purpose of the exhibit. Booth to be able to reflect the development of the image, attracting visitors attention, to provide the work function of the environment. Therefore, pay great attention to the visual impact of the, but also note the following points: Fair is not a design competition, exhibition design to and coordination of the overall trade atmosphere; booth is to emphasize the exhibits, should not be overwhelming; to consider participating the public image, not too unconventional; don't ignore the show talks, consulting, Hugh the basic function of the information booth.

2. Exhibitors. Man is the first element of exhibition planning, but also show the success of the key. Booth personnel equipped with can from the four aspects to be considered: first, personnel quantity is determined by the size of the workload; second, strengthen on-site training, such as professional knowledge, product performance, presentation method; third, emphasize basic qualities, such as appearance, sound, character, consciousness, initiative; the fourth according to the nature of the exhibition, choose the proper type or the relevant departments of the personnel.

3. Exhibits. The exhibits are visitors leave the impression of the most important factors. In memory factors of visitors, "exhibits attractive" accounted for 39% of the proportion, should be the key consideration. Three principles in the selection of exhibits, is targeted, representative and uniqueness.

4. Customer invitation means. Visitors should not passively and the customer arrival, to consciously inviting customers. May be taken directly to a letter, visits, through the media, advertising, on-site publicity, distribution of information and other, to invite and attract customers. In a word, the exhibition planning to save for a rainy day, to do the work in the front.

5. Show. Exhibits itself in most cases does not mean that all, show all features, needs to adapt to the chart, information, photos, models, props or explaining who live in kind, with decoration, scenery, lighting, audio visual equipment, and other means, illustrate, strong harmonic rendering.

As the proverb goes "is the Federation of luminous gold", but time and tide wait for no man, exhibition design is the biggest feature is in the shortest time to sell yourself, which requires exhibition planning for this "grinding stone. Gold is no longer a story, Picasso exhibition, to achieve your dream of" gold ".





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