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Enterprise how to do will make the booth to stand up in the exhibition

2012-10-17 10:36:00     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部

  Now enterprises to participate in the exhibition, always will enter a vicious circle child, exhibitors effect is getting worse, looking for stand construction are also changing every year. How do exhibition booth design can attract viewers, stand construction grab the eye, how to make business in time to participate in the exhibition to stand out, which is the focus holds many lessons for companies should pay attention to.

    One: a clear purpose exhibitors
Exhibiting companies mainly in the following four objectives: to obtain sales orders, partner, corporate image, understand the industry market. So companies in the choice of the show, pay attention to the nature of the exhibition and exhibitors aim to combine business, be wise exhibitors. And in the choice of contractor, when ye stand polish his eyes, looking for a good exhibition design companies is particularly important.

According to the survey almost all companies want to obtain sales orders, probably accounting for about 85% of the exhibitors, for this purpose in SMEs seem particularly prominent; the proportion to find partners for the purpose of business is also higher than , probably accounting for about 55%; to understand the market for the purpose of business is relatively the lowest number of purposes, only about 17%. The main purpose of these businesses are more suitable for highly specialized exhibition, these exhibition visitors are concentrated, to obtain orders and seek partners with good results, while visitors can grasp much more accurate industry information. Most corporate image for the purpose of enterprises in the industry have a strong influence, exhibitors no longer receive orders for the purpose of exhibiting companies no larger this constraint, which can participate in professional exhibition, you can also participate in level than the high, relatively large flow of people related to the exhibition.

    Two: choose the exhibition for enterprise development
Choose a suitable show exhibitors enterprise development for enterprises not only can play a promotional investment results, while good show can indirectly guide the development of enterprises, so companies in the choice of the show to be extra cautious, eliminate blind obedience. On the investment exhibition design, but also it should be based on its own strength to make proper judgments, how much money do need to invest in their own stand construction.

For some small and medium enterprises in the industry famous, but when compared with large enterprises and there are still some gaps, exhibiting a clear purpose generally is fired product awareness, enhance corporate image, contact partners, such enterprises are more suitable for relatively strong trade nature exhibition, trade transactions are generally more concentrated exhibition highlights mining companies pay more attention to enhance the show's rating, which would allow such companies was exposed sharp angle highlights more shiny, played over publicity, corporate reputation for fired help play a good effect. Moreover, an excellent exhibition design, excellent effect stand construction, will be more impressed customers and attract customers to achieve the desired results. If the intention of further international development, companies can actively participate in the exhibition ITC nature, which can break through large domestic enterprises occupy the domestic market shielded to enable enterprises to meet the domestic foreign fragrant flowering effect.

    Some enterprises in order to achieve sales and publicity, and all the enterprises associated exhibition are somewhat willing to attend the meeting, did not show the nature and the actual situation of enterprises considered together, so not only can not achieve the purpose of exhibition, but because exhibitors The waste of resources, damage to company strength. Therefore, when selecting the show, companies must first consider whether the nature of the exhibition and business matching.
For example, new enterprises are generally relatively shallow roots, need to find more customers resources to support their own operation, so that enterprises can gain a firm foothold in the industry, more suitable through the exhibition to seek new breakthroughs, but not all are suitable for participation in the exhibition, professional qualifications shallow exhibition customer base is not clear, exhibitors difficult to achieve the desired results. Therefore, this type of business is more suitable to participate in a strong show of a professional nature, so that companies can accurately target customer groups, to avoid sky net gain little damage.


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