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Trends in demand for mice in 2014

2014-06-04 17:43:00 毕加企划部 毕加官网     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部

Exhibition industry is not asset-heavy industries, but heavy industry talent; not labor-intensive industry, but intensive industry professionals. Picasso Xiao Bian now and you are talking about the current status of a mantra exhibition personnel of our country:


       China's exhibition industry want to grow stronger, largely dependent on the quality of professional improvement.

    In general, increasing the rapid development of China's exhibition industry, the degree of attention to personnel issues.

   This is because, as the MICE market matures, competition, shortage of professionals in contradiction unabated; international exhibition company strong landing by WTO rules, its level of talent and professional advantages of domestic industry an eye-opener, the pain obvious gap ; the current China's economic restructuring is Forced exhibition industry upgrade, to conform to the changing situation, seize new opportunities for development, must rely on a large number of high-quality professionals.

    It must be noted that the exhibition industry is a product of industrialization and urbanization. China's exhibition industry in promoting the reform and opening up, after rapid expansion in recent years, the exhibition has grown to a big country. Given China's industrialization and urbanization also need roughly three decades, so the development of the exhibition industry will continue for quite a long time. It can be expected that future demand for talent exhibition industry is still on the rise.

It should be noted, China's exhibition industry after years of development up to now such a huge scale, which is supported by the millions of practitioners, not "poor white." In other words, China's exhibition industry in the number of personnel for the extensive requirements phase, has now been basically completed. Demand has been transferred to the quality of talent on the level of the stage. Available evidence of objective fact is that the last five years of exhibition projects continued to maintain increased, but showed a reduction in the total number of exhibition companies straight trend, this change will inevitably lead to a decline in total employment exhibition industry. This is precisely the performance of China's exhibition industry progress.


       The gradual decline in total industry employment environment, the demand for talent will shift from quantity to quality occurred. This is the development of all sectors to a certain stage of the case will arise. My view is that China's exhibition industry talent shortage current, not a shortage of integrity, but structural shortage.

       The so-called structural shortage is people being needed to be professionals in the exhibition industry, and not the general staff.

       Because of China's vast territory, regional economic development varied widely, the level of development is not the same throughout the exhibition industry, therefore, needs professionals in different places, different companies are not the same. Picasso Xiao Bian believes that the shortage of professionals in the exhibition industry can be divided into three different levels:

       First, the shortage of high-end professionals, is one that can engage senior professional managers MICE business management. The current shortage of talent in this area, especially in the domestic enterprises, especially private enterprises serious. But demand is limited, the number is not more than a thousand now!

       The second is the shortage of professionals in the end, it is one that can engage in the exhibition project management (including exhibition services institutions sector management) in mid-career managers. Shortage of talent at this level is universal, multinational, joint venture business in China is no exception. Its total demand is expected to reach about 5,000 people now!

       The third is the shortage of low-end professionals, is engaged in the backbone of the exhibition project operations staff. Number of personnel needs in this area should be larger.

       Low-end professionals, although not sound pleasing to the ear, but the talent does have the lower level high school division. Moreover, the low-end professionals, after all, is a talent, but also from the low to the high end is the only way for the growth of talent!

       Low-end professional exhibition industry specific jobs where people have? This requires a combination of actual employer and OK.

       As from the exhibition organizers demand, which typically requires three people, namely marketing, sales and operations personnel exhibition project. One of the operations, usually refers to the exhibition hall where the exhibition organized by field service work, and thus extending the service operations of exhibitors and visitors.

Exhibition talents of these three requirements are somewhat focused. The current domestic companies, especially private companies, especially the lack of marketing talent, followed by operations personnel. Marketing talent shortage important background, the development of the Internet is profoundly changing exhibitions industry, including many of the industry's marketing, but many organizers and even traditional marketing yet professional, network technology brings new marketing more no way to get started. Therefore, hiring marketing professionals meet development needs to become a priority in many organizers.


       Demand sales talent, for many exhibition organizers, it is a strategic consideration focus on optimizing employee team. Domestic organizers especially private companies, the existing number of employees engaged in sales, the aging problem in the age of knowledge, skills, and other aspects have been very prominent, the replacement has been put on the agenda. Because of this, the demand for sales personnel in the exhibition industry tend to be relatively large.

      It should be stressed that the lack of experience of the students recruited to the exhibition business, still can not be called professionals. Here, the low-end professionals, the exhibition refers to the enterprise business performance highlighted key employees.




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