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Exhibition industry into a misunderstanding, the construction of the construction of the exhibition hall

2014-05-08 16:49:00 毕加企划部 毕加官网     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部


Picasso exhibition Xiao Bian learned recently across the country have expressed their will to build a large exhibition venues, in addition to Beijing is under construction outside APEC related, announced in 2020, Guangzhou will build exhibition features three major centers; Shijiazhuang officially determine definite District Shijiazhuang International Exhibition central planning; China Harbin International Agricultural Exposition Center project has been started. At the time of the exhibition hall construction boom set off around the current high vacancy rate venues presence became an unavoidable issue, operational issues after the completion of the new hall also caused widespread concern within the industry exhibition.


Venue intensive fear facing high vacancy rate

    In the recently published throughout the planning or construction of exhibition venues, a number of exhibitions in order to meet local market needs, while others are not from the perspective of the exhibition economic planning, and the hall operators who fear will bring high vacancy rate issues. Insiders pointed out that the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta of exhibition venues intensive, especially high. Almost every town in Dongguan City, has an exhibition center, the convention center is just a general show support having local specialties, the annual exhibition of no more than 10 games. Exhibition venues are at a loss, only rely on government subsidies to survive.

    According to statistics, the Guangzhou municipal government executive meeting examined and adopted the "construction of Guangzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center City Development Plan (2013-2020)", pointed out the plan within three years to build intercontinental exhibition center of the city, step by step construction of airports, Panyu, Zengcheng three distinctive features, Deputy Trade and Exhibition Center Exhibition bound. Meanwhile, the government also officially identified Shijiazhuang, Shijiazhuang Zhengding International Exhibition Center Area planning, projects include the exhibition center, conference center and supporting facilities; Asia's largest modern high-tech Agricultural Exposition Center - China Harbin International Agricultural Exposition Center project is expected to put into use at the end; National Exhibition Center in Tianjin is expected to be officially put into use the second half of 2015; Beijing Yanqi International will have also under construction.

    In this regard, a fairground official said, the international community generally believes utilization exhibition venues of not less than 15%. This is a bottom line. It is estimated that a 100,000 square meters of exhibition hall annual maintenance costs of about 50 million yuan, or even higher. The utilization rate of less than 15% of cases, venue operators will not cover these costs. However, many venues are less than 15 percent utilization.


First exhibition economy deviates from existing concepts

    A fairground operators reluctantly said, along with some real estate companies began to get involved in the exhibition industry, some of the conceptual framework of the exhibition venue construction projects also into real estate economy from the exhibition economy. By investing in the construction of exhibition venues, developers get the land at a low price, obtain approval and government support. After the completion of the exhibition hall, through the exhibition attractive flow, business flow, driven by the construction of the surrounding supporting facilities. As a result, the surrounding land prices. Due to the appreciation of land developers, housing prices profit and do not care about the loss of the pavilion.

    In response, industry experts believe that the current number of exhibition venues in the plan, not only includes a stadium, as well as the corresponding facilities. Such as a 200,000 square meters of the project, which covers an area of ​​100,000 square meters stadium may well 100,000 square meters of facilities, these packages include hotels, shopping malls, office buildings and so on. Development of these projects is high income, perhaps covering losses exhibition venues losses.

    According to the China International Trade Promotion Committee published "China's exhibition economy development report 2013" shows that in 2013 national indoor exhibition area can be rented or greater than 5000 square meters and can hold two exhibitions and trade exhibition class a total of 132, Total interior can hire a total area of ​​about 5.72 million square meters.


Planning should be based on market demand

    Associate Professor, Department of Economics Tourism Exhibition Beijing Union University Wang was that the construction of exhibition venues or exhibition economy should return. Venue construction should match the first phase with the positioning of the city. The city is suitable for the development of exhibition industry, the availability of certain industrial scale, supporting resources are complete and other decision-makers should consider the issue. Second, the market demand for the city whether the venue construction is also a major factor. Venue construction should be based on development of the local exhibition industry, the local show whether there is sufficient to supply hall that the issue should be included among the preliminary investigation.

Venues for post-operation, Wang said only venue should be integrated with neighboring cities and sharing of resources, and exhibition venues in the region will be dislocation business. And on the issue of vacancy rates, Beijing Second Foreign Language Institute Associate Professor of Economics and Management Exhibition Gao Ling Jiang think, exhibition venues can be diversified, constructed exhibition complex.

    Faced with high vacancy rates and Sustained venue construction boom, the National Agricultural Exhibition Center Exhibition Center main 任陈军 noted that the number of exhibition venues in the end need or how much a city of exhibition space to meet the market demand, there is no agency or department of a professional conduct research evaluation. Chen Jun suggested that the Government out of the market, a part of the functions to trade associations. Government policy, macro-control; industry associations through market research, project assessment, planning the construction of venues.




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