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How to seize the show time?? Exhibition Knowledge Tips - exhibitions, building materials - building materials industry

2016-12-12 10:05:38     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部

How to seize the show time? Exhibition Knowledge Tips - exhibitions, building materials - building materials industry

Exhibition is about to begin, for participating enterprises, should be a lot of work to participate in a Exhibition Is to seize an opportunity, definitely not a waste, so how to achieve the best results exhibitors as the most important issue. Before making a variety of preparations, there is one point should be the business must be clear, that is: OK show you want to achieve. German Exhibition Association (AUMA) analysis of the basic objectives of exhibitors goals, product goals, price targets, publicity objectives, sales targets. Therefore, the sale is the ultimate goal, but not the exhibition of the most important work. IFO's survey that the exhibiting companies to achieve the objectives of publicity corporate image, enhance corporate reputation and close links with customers, new product introduction, improve product awareness, exchange of information purposes, and 70% of its objectives The content is to meet new customers.

Exhibitors fundamental purpose is to sell, display only a means, but that does not mean that exhibitors to sign the order when the number of exhibitors on the equal effect. The purpose of exhibiting companies in addition to showing new products, enhance corporate reputation, or the best way to understand the market changes, what kind of products on the market the most popular, the dynamics of your competitors, these will give you a show The most valuable thing, and this lets you in a timely manner on its own strategy for implementation and adjustment. Will begin after the express purpose of purposes for the exhibitors to take appropriate measures, the following measures I believe that is the basic but necessary1, learn more about the exhibition
Tools: the tools they need a lot of the show, show organizers can provide what, how many things need to prepare themselves. This careful to Zhuoyibandeng utilities, not more to find out when to look for the show would be too hasty on the deployment. Activities: exhibition organizers are many kinds of activities are generally organized rally with the exhibition, these activities include competitions, technical seminars, etc., companies can participate in these activities, will be a lot of information and publicity.

Show ads: Show the journal and outdoor advertising venues, the exhibition and the exhibition will be familiar with the company for good publicity.

2, adequate preparation Cost budget: participants must make cost estimates in advance. Participation Fee includes booth fees, booth decoration Decoration Charges, exhibits, transportation charges, long distance train ticket fare, local transportation, accommodation, equipment Lease Fees, advertising fees, data printing, gift production costs, meeting room rental fees.

Exhibition information: promotional leaflet or manual is the basic business tools, enterprises are to get good publicity, exhibitions, information is very important to show the level and strength of an enterprise.

Exhibitors: exhibitors appropriate, effective participation can be better and better sales. Exhibitors should have the following basic conditions: the company's products and technologies have a more in-depth expertise; self-confidence, adaptability; outgoing, easy to talk to communicate with others.

Exhibition Fashion: visual image is the most influential, the spokesman for the company exhibitors during the exhibition should be wearing a formal, uniform clothing, one on behalf of the company's image, on the other hand also the respect of visitors. Elegant and dignified clothing would bring good impression on visitors.

Exhibit: booth is a battlefield, a battlefield advantage until appropriate Cooperation War. Booth layout very particular, will certainly not do more good, how prominent personality characteristics through the booths, the booths in many eye-catching at the same time to highlight the business purpose of the introduction of products or to enhance the image.

3, observation of the media trends

Media is a window for the general public, with particular attention to the media when the show moves Which media will conduct special reports, Which every day to live, now is the media age, an age now is to take the initiative, how the media promote their own is very important.

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