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7 tips to better Exhibiting

2016-12-09 11:29:10     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部

Exhibiting at trade fairs or business events can help you meet potential customers, create brand awareness, get new leads, make sales and even educate people about your product. Exhibiting is a big investment of time and money and in order to get the best out of it, you need to do it right. Here are seven tips to better exhibiting.

Plan early

Planning ahead of time is vital in ensuring that you get everything you need and do what you have to do right. Taking time to start planning for the exhibition early will also ensure that you get the best deals for the space and equipment that you need to make your exhibition successful. Last minute rushed may cause you to leave out important components of the exhibition exercise and you don’t want to give half-baked cakes to visitors.

Get the right clothing and gear

Exhibitions demand long hours of standing and a lot of talking and pointing. Ensure that you have comfortable shoes and clothing. If it is an outdoor exhibition, dress for the weather. You may need to get trade show exhibit flooring accessories like rubber mats to a thick carpet to ensure your feet are cushioned from the pressure of too much standing.

Prepare for the competition

It is important to be prepared to match up to the standards that will be available at the exhibition event. Make sure you have a clue of what your competition is capable of doing so that you are in a position to stage a more appealing exhibit.

Get the manpower

Do you have enough hands? Get as many people as you can to handle the traffic coming into the booth area. It is quite an unpleasant experience for a visitor to come and stand unattended to just because you are understaffed at the booth. It is important to have people to help you set up and dismantle your stand. Labor can either be hired, staff from the office or friends and family.

Display is king

It is an exhibit right? You have to be seen. Invest in some catchy graphics and nice theme colors to ensure you stand out in a good professional way. A good display is one that is consistent with your brand.

Have literature and promo items

People like gifts. Giving someone something makes a good impression and is a sing of appreciation. Make sure you have ample literature and promo items to not only help draw people into your booth but presenting them with items to recall your company afterthe show.
Have measurable goals.

Make sure you have your goals right. What do you want from the show? Do you want to create brand awareness, meet new customers, get partners or launch your product? Goals help you to plan exhibitions better.

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