To build the Wuhan special installation will never come to an end
2015-10-28 10:24:50 毕加企划部 毕加官网 点击数: 来源:毕加企划部
Wuhan international exhibition center in the mid - 2015 before turning to hold with all kinds of exhibition, wuhan is committed to make never ending exhibition, never put off till tomorrow what you can add exhibition dedicated to make never ending of wuhan set up special decoration, not end structures, how to do?
Never put off till tomorrow what you can add exhibition that colour collocation is loaded structures, the most important:
In exhibition booth design, colorific harmony as the music of the rhythm and harmony, in the indoor environment, a variety of colors in space, interaction between harmony and contrast is one of the most fundamental relationship, how to properly handle the relationship is the key to create interior space atmosphere. The coordination means the basic elements of the color hue, lightness and purity of close, to produce a kind of unity, but avoid too dull and boring. Colorific harmony, therefore, should be characterized by harmony of contrast, contrast of the foil, colorific contrast refers to the colour lightness and chroma of distance apart, too much contrast in the exhibition hall decoration, can make eye and uneasiness, and even bring too much stimulation, therefore, to master the principle of color matching, coordination and contrast is important, the relationship between the colour of profusion added various atmosphere to booth exhibition hall, harmony is control, improve and strengthen the basic means of the mood.
2015 is coming to an end, in order to make not over wuhan exhibition, never put off till tomorrow what you can add exhibition 2015 wuhan fair scheduling for you:
展会名称 | 展会面积 | 展会时间 | 展馆 |
2016第十三届中国武汉国际汽车后市场博览会暨武汉国际汽车升级及改装展览会 | 230000m2 | 2016/6/18 | 武汉国际博览中心 |
2016武汉国际电玩暨游艺设备展 | 20000m2 | 2016/5/13 | 武汉国际博览中心 |
2016年第二届武汉国际家具展览会 | 80000m2 | 2016/4/22 | 武汉国际博览中心 |
2016第五届中国(武汉)国际焙烤展览会 | 10000m2 | 2016/4/15 | 武汉国际博览中心 |
2016中国(武汉)消防安全技术与应急救援设备展览会 | 80000m2 | 2016/3/30 | 武汉国际会展中心 |
2016第二十届武汉广告技术及设备展览会 | 50000m2 | 2016/3/24 | 武汉国际博览中心 |
2016武汉国际绿色建筑技术产品博览会 | 12000m2 | 2016/3/24 | 武汉国际博览中心 |
2016第五届武汉国际塑料橡胶工业展览会 | 40000m2 | 2016/3/17 | 武汉国际博览中心 |
2016第四届湖北(武汉)“放心酒”展览交易会 | 40000m2 | 2016/1/15 | 武汉国际会展中心 |
2015中部(武汉)国际环保产业博览会 | 18000m2 | 2015/12/27 | 武汉国际会展中心 |
2015中部(湖北)糖酒会 | 10000m2 | 2015/12/11 | 武汉国际博览中心 |
2015湖北(武汉)国际养老服务产业博览会 | 60000m2 | 2015/12/11 | 武汉国际会展中心 |
2015中国(武汉)国际美容美发美体化妆用品博览会 | 10000m2 | 2015/12/4 | 武汉国际会展中心 |
2015第64届全国汽车保修检测诊断设备(秋季)展 | 15000m2 | 2015/11/20 | 武汉国际博览中心 |
2015年武汉国际时尚博览会 | 40000m2 | 2015/11/20 | 武汉国际博览中心 |
2015第十二届“中国光谷”国际光电子博览会 | 50000m2 | 2015/11/12 | 武汉国际博览中心 |
2015中国(武汉)日用百货商品交易会 | 17000m2 | 2015/11/5 | 武汉国际博览中心 |