Lights can be the best catalyst for the design and construction of the Nanning Exhibition
2015-09-01 16:43:00 毕加企划部 毕加官网 点击数: 来源:毕加企划部
Nanning exhibition design structures will attract customers how to do? How to play the biggest role for a stand? Bijia Exhibition shows eleven years of experience in the design, Bijia Exhbition has come to a conclusion that the lighting is the key element for a successful booth.

Exhibition design emphasizes the artistry and prominence, so that the products on the show can be more eye-catching. Lights in many cases play a supporting role, and sometimes even play a leading role. Llights on the top of the stand can show products from different angles, heights and space to display the best of the show products.
Lighting has become a catalyst for the performance of the products in exhibition, and now Bijia editor will explore the exhibition design and construction of lighting effects with you:
Generally speaking, the exhibition design for lighting has a very high demand, however, the budget is not the priority. From a point of view of design, the best way to design the lighting for a stand is different from each other. A good designer should take design artistic quality and display performance as the sole criterion for lighting selection. The principal can only be redefined when the exhibitor has a quite low budget.
Most importantly, we have to understand is that the main purpose of the exhibition is to highlight the product, create a brand image, while the main purpose of commercial space is to reflect its atmosphere. In terms of lighting use, the demand for exhibition design brightness is relatively high, you have to make a choice between atmosphere and brightness. In order to highlight the product, exhibition hall lights must be set according to the exhibits of material and shape, try to display the natural color and texture of the product, but also ensure that the products get sufficient light. The brightness of the main light should be more than the commercial space, with multi-point lights to reduce the projection of lights to make sure sufficient but soft lighting. In addition, the appropriate selection of a different shade of lighting color can highlight the show products.
Lighting can have a surprising role if you use it approriately. Tt is a catalyst to accomplish an ideal booth. Bijia Exhibition is equipped with professional lighting design application and shows many exhibitors excellent booth design over many years. Are you ready for it?