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Zhanjiang booth special equipment to build how to protect the progress of time

2015-08-31 16:13:00     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部


    Zhanjiang booth special structures is how to do best? How to protect special structures booth schedule? Picasso exhibition booth set up eleven years of experience, we believe that time control is very strict, and why?

    The length of time provided by the organizers to build can be considered the most direct factor affecting the progress of the build. First, we can build a prescribed time organizers divided into three kinds, one is a regular time, and move together to build a total of three days. This time the most used worldwide and most common. In other words, an ordinary 90 square meters within a special booth at this time can guarantee quality and quantity. Another time we may be called long, more than four days or four days can be classified in this column. Finally, there is a time limit is short, refers to the time set up less than three days, the most extreme is to build and move together with the one day time, some of the relatively more common is two days.

    Build on past practice, in the United States, Germany, the Netherlands and Brazil and other countries held many project sponsors often provide very ample time to build, or even longer from 4 days to 6 days. Rarely the case because of time constraints caused by the booth set up rush, unless contractor to undertake the project itself caused by excessive staffing arrangements can not keep up. Such as the Netherlands, ISE, broadcast around Singapore Telecommunications Exhibition has six days of building time, contractors can flexibly arrange admission based on their ability to guarantee period and costs can be taken into account.

    In contrast, the organizers provide some exhibition project to build a short time, the reason is nothing more than the following: small exhibition scale, necessary to provide long build time; Hall schedule is very tight, there is no more appropriate exhibition period makes it necessary to set up and dismantling requirements completed within a very tight time; the organizers do not want to spend more venue rental, so choose the compression build time and cost savings. This short build time often happens in India, many projects from start to finish only the whole 48 hours, so that there is a misconception that the majority of shows India project to build time is two days.

    The length of time the organizers to develop the most common is to consider a case, generally occurs in the exhibition project start-up phase, the reason is very simple, because the relatively small scale of the exhibition. When the project in the expansion phase, the organizers sometimes may ignore this problem or response lag. Because if a pavilion from the initial expansion to three pavilions scale, special equipment business from scratch and then gradually increase the large booth, the organizers noted that one of these is difficult especially exhibitor booth structures may need to be more long time. Only when such special equipment more and more and become a new norm, even after use still appears unable to deliver after some booth every effort to carry out construction, the organizers may adjust this build only the length of time.

    Whether Zhanjiang booth special structures or Guangzhou stand construction, we must do a good job controlling the time, Picasso exhibition of years of experience you will be able to do a good job every booth.


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