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Suzhou exhibition design and production of how to strengthen the image of the enterprise

2015-08-11 14:52:00 毕加企划部 毕加官网     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部



    Suzhou company can help you create a professional exhibition design Suzhou? Focus on highlighting the company's image, professional design, robust build Why not find Picasso exhibition, Picasso exhibition in the country has its own subsidiaries, Suzhou exhibition design for how we do Picasso exhibition?

    Exhibition design should reflect and reinforce the corporate image, reflecting the spirit of enterprise. Not stall selling exhibition, it is not an isolated individual product showcase, but should be the product as the carrier, using a comprehensive approach, showing their overall capacity and quality. It can make the audience understand the products, but also deepened the company's image to some extent. Therefore, in the booth design and construction, we should focus on the center, do the following:

    1, make full use of all possible factors, such as the shape of the booth, materials, acoustics, lighting, color and other decorating supplies, continue to the audience to fresh, stimulating their curiosity, to make them interested in the booth, close and generate exhibitors conversation desire.

    2, booth design process, but also consider other events during the exhibition business matching problem. More and more big companies, the exhibition as a good place for public relations activities, in addition to the exhibition, organized by a wide range of conferences, seminars, receptions and other events during the show or they are still fair. These activities held in conjunction with the exhibition, high-impact and save money. This is another face from the stand construction made new demands.

    3, exhibition design can be understood as a new medium of information transmission, which incorporates many of the traditional information media, such as: languages, painting, music and more. Its mission is faster and more fully in the transmission of information between people. The fundamental purpose of the exhibition design is to make the audience in a limited space, the most effective receiving relevant information. Research on human visual mental and psychological process, is the basic premise of the exhibition design.

4, to create an effective, successful exhibition design, it is an environmentally, color, planning, comprehensive practice culture, creativity and art of combining. From the exhibition design point of view, the purpose is not designed to show itself, but by design, use of space planning, layout, lighting control, color scheme and a variety of organizational planning, a planned, purposeful, logically will be show content to show to the audience, and strive to make the audience accept the designers plan to convey information.

Suzhou find Picasso exhibition design exhibition, Picasso exhibition you will be able to create one of your Suzhou exclusive exhibition booth.

Suzhou Show time waiting tables:

展会名称 展会面积 展会时间 展馆
2016苏州国际金属板材加工技术展览会 10000m2 2016/5/11 苏州国际博览中心
2015第二届中国(苏州)国际食尚博览会 18000m2  2015/12/18 苏州国际博览中心
2015中国(苏州)国际冷弯型钢博览会  10000m2 2015/11/4 苏州国际博览中心
2015中国(苏州)茶叶博览会暨紫砂工艺展  10000m2 2015/10/29 苏州国际博览中心 
2015中国(苏州)佛事文化用品展览会暨素食文化展 10000m2 10000m2 苏州国际博览中心 
第十五届金蜘蛛(苏州)紧固件展  17000m2 2015/10/21 苏州国际博览中心 
2015苏中(扬州)国际装备制造业博览会 15000m2 2015/9/24 扬州国际展览中心


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