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From booth to hall: how the big brand is practiced

2015-01-21 19:03:00 毕加企划部 毕加官网     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部

First, the nature of corporate culture

Picasso exhibition brand ink Ge, general manager yang xinagqiang Picasso once said: "Enterprise Hall will be the future trend of development Why promote its business, we must first have a media delivery business culture that hall.?."


From the scientific history of human development, the culture is the crystallization. Enterprise since the birth of the day, culture came into being, because corporate culture is always accompanied by the birth of the enterprise and the birth, along with the demise of corporate demise. In short, a business history, is a corporate cultural history, corporate culture is inseparable from the study of corporate history. On corporate culture in the general sense, the enterprise is organized by a group of people or groups together formed from this group since the day it was born had its unique culture.

    Second, the mutual relationship between enterprises and enterprise culture hall

     Function of corporate culture is the outward propaganda enterprises, establish a corporate image, its purpose is to allow customers to have a good feel for the enterprise, in order to expand product sales to reach the company's performance. This product business is undoubtedly very applicable. No matter what kind of business, in the public mind the image is very important.

Corporate image more than three forms:

     1. material manifestation. Including corporate outlook, office space, the environment, corporate identity and other signs;

     2. Social manifestation. Including corporate staff, team personnel, technical strength, economic efficiency, productivity, management level, the most important is the quality of staff.

     3. spiritual manifestations. Including corporate beliefs, moral standards, humanities and so on.

Third, companies are required to age the occasion of the exhibition hall

Corporate brand culture exhibition hall as the delivery window, leadership visits, the best choice for the new concept of construction workers; display of corporate brand image is an important place; enterprises through optimizing corporate image building exhibition, showcasing their products to get the trust of customers, so that customers Learn aspects of history, culture, products, quality, service and other enterprises, but also as a customer visit to visit, communication, negotiation place, so more and more companies exhibition leadership attention.

Fourth, the business hall of its own corporate culture is one of the brand's innovative and effective form of business
First, the exhibition is to enhance enterprise customer communication carrier. Corporate branding media, direct contact with customers to implement the platform, only the business hall to enable enterprises to new business and new technology has been further optimized with the application to obtain a better reputation. So customers not only to understand the business today, yesterday and tomorrow but also to understand its corporate showroom become good carrier.
Second, companies changed the exhibition hall of the original corporate culture branding mode. In the past, corporate branding on promoting culture, taking the more traditional route, with the news media (newspapers, television, Internet) combining the usual way, but this is not respected modern enterprise culture branding model. Companies need to constantly innovate and develop cultural brand, so more companies took a fancy corporate showrooms this brand new corporate culture propagation path. Today, Ai Jia elevator, Zoomlion and other large enterprises have both ink and Ge Picasso cooperation, create their own businesses hall. Like China Telecom Exhibition Hall is currently the only country in the field of information and communication industry open to the public large-scale comprehensive exhibition hall, with a certain representation. The exhibition hall plays an important role in promoting corporate culture and progress on.
Finally, companies need professional exhibition hall of the founder of the company assisted. Cultural influence companies, brands help enterprises, and the corporate culture and brand showrooms as aggregate, to promote the building of enterprise culture is the enterprise deepening a large window on the future growth of enterprises of great significance and role. Unscientific, unsystematic hall will have a negative impact to the enterprise, the importance can not be ignored only under professional business exhibition hall design company in order to achieve the purpose to convey the brand culture, such as Chinese exhibition qualification units ink Ge Picasso.
From the booth to the exhibition, Picasso step to help you, to find the Picasso exhibition marketing!



                                    Ai Jia elevator Showroom                                

Zoomlion Showroom

West joint Showroom

Wuye Group Showroom



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