Handbook of Picasso exhibition materials published
2014-08-11 18:40:00 点击数: 来源:毕加企划部
In order to provide better service to new and existing customers, in order to allow exhibitors to better understand the exhibition of construction materials as well as internal corporate learning, Picasso Materials Handbook launched in the near future. This manual is a total two hundred, with nine parts: theme structure, surface materials, surface materials, lighting line material, advertising material art, decorative accessories, new materials, as well as supporting projects swatches.
1. Topic Structure
2. The surface material
3. The ground material
4. Light strands
5. The art of advertising material
6. Decorative Accessories
7. New Materials
8. supporting projects
9. Swatches
Publishing Picasso exhibition Materials Handbook, indicates that bijia and services toward a more systematic, better, more thoughtful direction, but also hope that this handbook will honestly help to our customers. Picasso exhibition, to create moving, all the way there you are!