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Guangzhou special equipment to build companies and exhibitors must know the 2014 exhibition strategy

2013-10-23 15:41:00 毕加企划部 毕加官网     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部


Although the distance in 2014 there more than two months, but the industry itself has had its special exhibition rules, companies need to build special equipment Guangzhou and exhibitors to prepare early. The saying goes, "the early bird catches the worm" move faster often determines who is the final winner. But even if they know the urgency of time, how to do? Where you have done? I think many new to the industry and the first exhibition of business or loss. Picasso exhibition Xiaobian Summary Show experience over the years, to extract its own set of event marketing display method, we hope to inspire:

Picasso exhibition Xiao Bian think the show is nothing more than the most important three points, but also business exhibition based on the fundamental:


A product image

This is of course bear the brunt, after all, show potential customers value most is the appeal of the product, of course, it is difficult to avoid a certain skill of imitation copied paragraph by paragraph, we will soon make our products competitive instant greatly discounted.

Product display points to note:

1. Products on display in the form of binding content preparation site explanation personnel should focus on products in the market share, the difference advantage, future trends should be prepared to show the form.

2, the display shows in addition to considering seductive eye-catching addition to the key outstanding senior creative design or production process advantages to increase customer confidence and brand irreplaceable interest.

3, need to show each product shall be demonstrated through the market to reconsider participation, individual single paragraph to avoid some affect the brand image.


Second, the image of the booth

The importance of the image of the booth not much talked about, many companies in the exhibition booth spared no expense to create the image, the purpose is to maximize attract people's attention, to exhibit effects. As a professional special construction company in Guangzhou, there are a few small series Picasso shallow opinions to share with you:

1, stand to be highly consistent with the image of the brand marketing strategy, that is, the image of the booth and marketing investment is proportional to expectations, not greedy, good face, to combine their strength, otherwise laughable, throw good money after bad .

2, booth image corresponding product and consumer psychology of audience, that is consistent with people's hearts expected, sword easy road does not mean you full of personality.

3, the last key consideration will be the image of style and product style booth manifestations of how to combine the corporate brand, spirit and character.


Third, the brand image

Brand image display for the new brand is concerned it's hard to show by clear, even how perfect brochure is also likely to be considered out of the packaging. Brands to show the invisible things even more impressed, perhaps the following possible:

1, each staff member must own products and the company's expertise in unified insights, so that the customer communication to their left a deep impression.

2, the exhibition industry professional seminars, can hire experts to do guest host and guide to explain, answer customer brand products, the industry's future in doubt and so on, one can attract media attention and increase brand visibility, and secondly enhance the corporate brand authority.


Fourth, professionalism

Even the best of the show, exhibitors professionalism if not good, everything will be greatly discounted. Well before the most critical development training. In particular, some details of services better reflect a brand of charm.

1, in good faith, the customer does not ask the identity of pick and choose, not the target customer should do their job, bad bad reception with unforeseeable consequences.

2, patient, customer questions and concerns more imagery also represents the greater, but remember too warm scare away customers.

3, professional, brand and product positioning and marketing, consumer psychology and insight to professional and objective analysis of the merits of competing brands also well aware, articulate ability to allow customers to better determine the market value of the brand.


2013 is nearing completion in 2014, we will usher in more industry exhibition, Canton build special equipment companies and exhibitors only continue to improve their services, enhance their professional competence, in order to grasp the initiative in market share. Guangzhou Picasso exhibition service limited company, Guangzhou is special equipment to build the company a leader in the enterprise, has a good reputation in the peer, the company services across all areas of business and industry, welcomed the new and old customers and friends come to the Advisory.



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