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Four major obstacles to China's outbound exhibitors

2014-10-21 10:29:00 毕加企划部 毕加官网     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部


At present, China's overseas exhibition presents five characteristics: First, the number and size of overseas exhibition showed a steady upward trend; the second is to go abroad exhibition presents trends in target markets from Europe to the traditional markets in emerging countries metastasis; three overseas exhibition involving industry, presented by the Trend labor-intensive industries to technology, capital-intensive industrial transfer; four is to participate in international professional trade show exhibition abroad still the mainstream, independent brand exhibition effect to be further enhanced; five is the main scope of the exhibition expanding overseas exhibition, showing diversification trend. The problems arise for the Chinese outbound participating exhibitors, industry insiders summarized as four major challenges:

◆ One problem: the exhibition market susceptible to parties

In recent years, Chinese overseas exhibitors frequency declined, the reason, one is affected by domestic and international economic environment, on the other hand by a comprehensive level of domestic exhibition business constraints.

Workaround: The current exhibition many Chinese enterprises have not yet possess the necessary conditions for the development, service levels and resources with conditions uneven. Thus, for offshore services companies need to exhibit its professional domestic and foreign customers have been recognized, including a large investment in human resources, the establishment of foreign institutions and the protection of the professional services team.

◆ Second problem: clearance and logistics chain accident-prone

In the exhibition, exhibitors Exhibits timely customs clearance, the relationship between the companies can successfully exhibitors, while each country vary ports policy, in addition to logistics companies commissioned by the exhibitors will likely encounter special dynamic uncontrollable factors such as weather .

Workaround: Instant launched emergency plans, the development of enterprises need seamless docking with the local quarantine, organizers, etc., only coordination of all parties, in order to reduce unnecessary trouble.

◆ Three problems: the problem-prone areas of intellectual property rights

IPR protection is still the main problem faced by Chinese enterprises exhibitors without the consent can not arbitrarily change the use or design company to build the program.

Workaround: National policy is the quality of the fortress to protect intellectual property rights. January 2006, China CCPIT and the International Association for Exhibition Management (IAEM) jointly issued a "Sino-US Joint Statement of the exhibition industry to protect intellectual property rights", announced that it will support the reasonable protection of intellectual property rights during the exhibitors. In the same year, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Commerce Administration, the National Copyright Administration, the State Intellectual Property Office jointly drafted the "IPR Protection and Management" published this "approach" purposes, can effectively curb the exhibition industry, the emergence of various violations.

◆ puzzle Four: market-driven need to be upgraded

Currently, the "accept and adapt to some of the international rules" has become a new overseas exhibitors participants proposition, these rules include both written and also includes some of the unspoken rules. In addition, some non-market organizations often go abroad to participate in the fair as exhibitors at tourism opportunities, although the development plan in advance, but inferior execution.

Workaround: In the "market-driven" organizations, to strengthen the management of overseas exhibitors, auditing and other sectors, to ensure the early implementation of the reasonableness of participating programs. Of course, overseas exhibitors, more or a national industry and industry issues.

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