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Exhibition professional recruitment know how much, the most sought after 5 exhibition talents

2014-10-18 12:57:00 毕加企划部 毕加官网     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部


Generally speaking, the exhibition personnel refers to the planning and implementation level of talent, including core talent exhibition, convention and exhibition talents auxiliary support personnel. Exhibition core talent including exhibition planning and Exhibition senior operations management and other personnel, their highest level, and most professional in the industry. Recruitment is currently the greatest demand for the following five people:

Exhibition designer:

Required interior design or environmental art professional background, their duties are based on the brand characteristics and customer requirements and move selected exhibition, including on-site observation booth location, the idea of ​​theme booths, the exhibition form, design drawings, arrange the venue layout, and can be installed on-site guidance staff and the exhibition ritual planning and the like.

Exhibition Project Planning:

A key figure in the exhibition business, whose main responsibilities are: to develop a new theme, given the existing exhibition projects of new elements, expanding its depth and breadth, so that the original size of the project, maximize efficiency. Often require fluent in English, familiar with the operating procedures exhibition, have experience in marketing or project planning, market research experience. And have excellent verbal and communication skills.

Exhibition Sales:

Mainly engaged in domestic and international exhibitions business links, the exhibition industry is essential positions. Some foreign exhibition companies in the market and the project generally has two departments, and sales and marketing are also divided into different directions, meeting sales, media sales. Specific positions divided by sales, customer service, sales managers at different levels. The clerk did not ask for almost academic, but the premise must have sales experience, be able to use computers and other tools, and sales managers require a graduate of Marketing or related professional, advertising and sales experience of the exhibition, and exhibition market has many years of operation experience of.

project manager:

Has many years of experience of the exhibition project leader within the industry, the main responsibility for the undertaking exhibition projects, the organization responsible for undertaking the project, execution and completion of assigned revenue department indicators work. Generally have more than five years of work experience, familiar with the exhibition business, to undertake an independent exhibition projects, English proficiency, and has strong language and writing skills and public relations, coordination. Many exhibition company in charge of the project manager is also attached to the project.


Conference site service personnel stage play is no longer a "disc Beiwan", but to undertake a variety of wisdom collision meeting site exchange, control public order and effect, the exhibition reflects the cultural level of outstanding service personnel. General requirements for hotel management, foreign trade professional or college graduates have a technical background, the need to have better communication and foreign language ability to comprehend the theme of the exhibition, with the field organization and coordination skills.

Insiders pointed out that the exhibition industry may well be a good way to choose employment of university students. However, the industry-encompassing, covering many areas of marketing, public relations, finance, etc., in addition to college students to participate in learning and training expertise outside practice "internal strength" or rely on themselves. For example, to freely use foreign languages ​​in-depth communication, try to broaden their field of inauguration, more contact with various people and things, expand your horizons, and accumulated experience.

"What kind of people regarded the exhibition industry professionals? What kind of education can cultivate exhibition professionals?" This is the exhibition industry and the education sector over the years has been a topic of debate. According to statistics, labor and social security department, China's exhibition industry employing more than 100 million, engaged in business planning managers have 15 million people. In China, with the exhibition management and operation of professional personnel less than 200 people, was hailed as a "sunrise industry" exhibition industry talent has become the bottleneck of industrial development.

Professional exhibition planning and marketing personnel exactly what specific work to be done? The main exhibition planning and marketing are:

1. preparatory work, namely the exhibition project planning and feasibility analysis exhibition projects; 2. specific preparatory work, such as exhibition brand image planning; 3. breeze and investment work, including planning and booth marketing breeze; 4. Meetings and Management work, including exhibition services and on-site management.

Labor and social security department description of the exhibition planner main tasks are: 1. market research exhibition (conferences, exhibitions, festival events, venue rental and incentive travel, etc.) projects; 2 exhibition project, theme, investment, fluttering. Budget planning and operations management solutions; sales of 300 exhibition projects; 4. Exhibition of field operations.

Experts summed up the exhibition industry two major characteristics: highly integrated and highly practical. To become a sought-after exhibition planning and management talent, we must have some basic qualities: as strong activity, organizational skills, language skills and communication skills, active thinking, knowledge and wide.

Survey shows that employees who have received education and training exhibition only 4 percent, improve the quality of employees is more urgent than expanding the number of employees.

Currently, the country has been launched at least 10 kinds of relevant certificates, more influential in Shanghai have three kinds: 1. Shanghai shortage of manpower training project "exhibition planning and practice" post qualification certificate; 2 from the United States, "registered exhibition. Managers "Training certification system; 3. Labor and social security departments launched" exhibition planner "new career.

 "I wanted to be the exhibition personnel, we must better understand the characteristics of the exhibition industry, to know ourselves." Some scholars have pointed out that "the characteristics of exhibition personnel is highly intelligent, high risk and high reward, which must have a clear understanding."

Feature 1: IQ. The survey shows that employers want employees with more than 70% of college education. But IQ does not equal high degree. There are professionals that have undergraduate or graduate degree graduates need at least 8-10 years of sharpening, it is likely to become mature exhibition planning and management personnel.

Exhibition set up high-level talent and personnel in the exhibition site hammering a big difference, such as simultaneous interpretation outstanding talent, currently described as rare; exhibition planning a variety of high-level talent, creative talent and facility management personnel, both You need to have a high IQ, otherwise it is difficult to do the job.

Feature 2: High risk. "MICE industry is unstable, even very fragile." The scholars said, "The industry greatly affected by objective conditions such as SARS, terrorist activities internationally, will affect the exhibition industry."

The exhibition industry, mostly small and medium enterprises, flexible, small boat to turn around quickly. That scholars said: "unstable industry is also reflected in the general five years a number of large international exhibition would rotate."

High level exhibition personnel can provide services for a company, you can also in several companies part-time relationship with the company if off, if that is generally not work in a company until retirement, life will not necessarily work in the exhibition. To become a sought-after exhibition personnel, we need to have the ability to withstand high-risk, and have a new career ideas.

Feature 3: High reward. High reward and high risk reinforce each other. The scholars said: "In such a phenomenon, a leading exhibition companies a year just to do two or three exhibition projects, you can 'eat' five years of domestic enterprises are unable to do so.."

Relevant sources, an exhibition project manager to do a big show, income ranging from a few million, as many as several hundred thousand dollars or even more.

Exhibition industry salary levels:

In terms of salary, at present, we joined the line of exhibition planning personnel salary is generally from 2000 to 3000 yuan; have the exhibition industry for more than a year of work experience is up to 4000 ~ 6000 yuan monthly salary. The presence of local enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises are some differences, to the post of exhibition sales, for example, the industry commonly used way of basic salary + commission, private companies low salary, high commission, ordinary sales monthly income can reach more than 3,000 yuan, the sales manager of the month income of more than 6000 yuan; and foreign companies is the high salary, commission low, some companies set a fixed salary, general sales monthly income can reach 6000-7000 yuan, the sales manager of a monthly income of about 20,000. Exhibition designer for this type of more professional personnel, higher wages, can reach more than 6,000 yuan.

Exhibition Industry in Shanghai and other developed cities, the exhibition professionals up to 5000 yuan monthly salary, senior show, exhibitions of talent is generally about 120,000 yuan annual salary of up to 300,000 yuan. Analysis of the industry, due to the contradiction between economic prosperity and the current exhibition professionals between education and training is lagging behind, the exhibition professionals worth there is a large room for growth.

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