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2014 China marine economy Expo is about to set sail

2014-09-26 14:39:00 毕加企划部 毕加官网     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部


       In order to implement the National Maritime Silk Road in the 21st Century steady growth of foreign trade development strategy and work plan, deepen economic and trade cooperation and exchanges between Guangdong and the sea along the Silk Road countries, improve Guangdong open economy, to build a new pattern of opening up, Guangdong Province Government has decided to be held in Guangdong Maritime Silk Road in the 21st Century International Fair October 31 to November 2 in Dongguan (referred Haibo). This move by the government, while efforts to dilute the administrative color show exhibition on the development of the exhibition industry has kind of strategic reference?

       Remember, at the sixth China (Chengdu) exhibition economy at the annual meeting, former State Foreign Trade Minister Shi Guangsheng was invited as honorary chairman, he said in an impromptu speech, the development of China's exhibition industry development strategies and national stage inseparable . From the origin of the Canton Fair, to create the Xiamen Fair, ASEAN Expo, Shenzhen fair like, sort of new China, especially since the reform and opening up process, in line with national strategic development goals, the rise of a number of exhibitions with Chinese characteristics. The origin of Haibo doubt be marked by the national strategy.

       Noteworthy is that the "CPC Central Committee decision on deepening reform of the overall number of major issues," recently published proposed: "the establishment of development finance institutions, neighboring countries and the region to speed up infrastructure interoperability, promote the Silk Road economic belt, sea Silk Road construction, formation of all-round opening pattern. " "All the way along," the new pattern of opening a double strategic and cultural connotations - cultural point of view, is to build the most traditional Chinese cultural characteristics of world culture; strategic point of view, is to build the most Chinese cultural characteristics of world peace strategy. After all, the "Silk Road" unique characteristics of Chinese traditional culture, the role of fusion and contemporary pattern of irreplaceable national strategy, the impact of both the interconnection will bring the full range extended to the political, economic, military, diplomatic, cultural and other fields.

       All along, the industry's understanding of the exhibition box set in: the adoption of new technology, new materials, display and dissemination of information, promote increased productivity, and see it as the essential function of exhibition economy. Show entities to pursue the goal is to expand product marketing, market share, highlighted in the exhibition business functions. New technology, new equipment, new technology and promote the applications of new materials, boils down to show the amount of order. Compared to everyday cognitive Expo show, it seems that "should only be heaven", it seems people just "a sea of ​​joy." Daily attendance concern is how much, how the ticket pre-sale situation, and its role in promoting productivity and progress of human civilization and the role of large country's economic and political strategy connotations have rarely mentioned.

Haibo motion stems from the national development strategy, whether the actual conduct can provide some new inspiration for the exhibition of cultural development, the strategic value of the function?

       Trace the origin of the ancient Silk Road refers to the Han Dynasty two thousand years to the Opium War between China and its neighboring countries and regions of the world, conduct trade and cultural exchanges traffic routes, since the famous Chinese specialty silk, ten Richthofen eighth century German scholars in their China trip in mind, the formal name for the route "Silk Road", after the passage of universal acceptance so far. China has always said from the beginning Xi'an Silk Road Zhang Qian Western, origin is Chang'an (now Xi'an).

       Guangdong first proposed to build "21st Century Marine Silk Road" strategy, based on what their history?

       In autumn 1990, UNESCO sent experts to China to investigate the Maritime Silk Road Old Port, determine Quanzhou Maritime Silk Road is a Chinese port of origin, based on the coast of the Southern Song Dynasty shipwreck discovered in Quanzhou, and leader left tombstones from the Middle East and Muslim immigrant village. Therefore, there is a UNESCO-funded construction of Quanzhou "Marine Silk Road Museum." Guangdong Maritime Silk Road cultural sites, in the UNESCO study were not concerned, then he left the suspense whether the availability of Guangdong Maritime Silk Road cultural sites.

       In 1993, Guangdong Province organized experts formal Empirical Study of Guangdong Maritime Silk Road started. Based on "Geography" records: Han 武帝平 given South Vietnam to dispatch long yellow door translated from widely believed to Xuwen, Hepu Japan South (now Vietnam) a foreign multinational. This is China's earliest written records of the Maritime Silk Road.

       In June 2000, Guangdong Pearl River Cultural Studies will organize experts to Xuwen County, southwest coast earth Wangcun, in Bridge, Shi Mei area, discovered tomb, mouth dry well, beacon and other sites, integrated before archaeologists found in this " Long live the "Vatan, silverware, pots and other artifacts, as well as" Han geography "yes" from Nichinan barrier plug, Xuwen Hepu sailing "," Xuwen Nanru Hai, was the continent thousands of miles southeast of the North "and other records to determine which is the Western Han Dynasty Departure Port of the Maritime Silk Road site. This means that UNESCO determined in Quanzhou, Fujian departure time, before being pushed to the Western Han Dynasty, which was found to have previous history of the Maritime Silk Road will push China in 1300 meaning.

       From 2001 to 2003, the project team of experts went to the South China Sea coast of white sand, Xuwen, Yangjiang, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Macao, Guangzhou sea, white power, Leizhou, Beihai, Qinzhou, Fangcheng and other ancient harbor, and West River, East River, MOYANG, Kam River, north, river ports such as field research, found that each has a glorious history of the Old Port of the Maritime Silk Road in history Sheng He decline to render this phenomenon, but in general, formed from the Han Dynasty to Qing Dynasty, the ancient port of prosperity uninterrupted pattern. Which shows that the Guangdong Maritime Silk Road since ancient times has an uninterrupted history, the history of the Maritime Silk Road is the longest and most complete cultural province.

Next you need to figure out the problem is that the Maritime Silk Road and inland docking channel where?

    "Han geography" has stated, Emperor Wudi sent Huangmen translated long pioneered the Maritime Silk Road, from the waterway of the river trail to Xiaoshui to celebrate widely believed (now closed to open), the south along the river, the north, Jiang, Nanliu reach Xuwen and sea; the other one is connected with Mei Guan Abas Guxiang, the channel Xianxiang Jiuling Tang Dynasty presided over the opening of the docking played a major role land and sea Silk Road in history. In addition, also we found Nanxiong Ukraine runoff Road, sourced Xijing Road, Lianzhou South Gate Road, which also belongs to manage land and sea Silk Road cultural relics.

    Most tellingly, the South China Sea on the 1st Song wreck, from the discovery, water, placed into the Maritime Silk Road Museum, which lasted more than 10 years, the sea water is by far the world heritage, the history of the earliest, largest and most cultural relics, to preserve the most Well, the value of the largest cultural relics. Its heritage to porcelain, which represents the maritime Silk Road "Ceramic Road" feature, especially in the past found mostly coastal heritage, the sea little practice. Sea, land Silk Road comparison, has the largest land-based cultural relics along the Silk Road in Gansu Dunhuang, about 60,000 pieces, so as the Silk Cultural Center and signs; and Yangjiang in sediments from the South China Sea on the 1st of artifacts, estimate There are 60,000 to 80,000 as many, so called "sea of ​​Dunhuang." Because it is engaged in merchant shipping and foreign trade cargo ship, with a cultural nature Maritime Silk Road.

       In addition, the economic and cultural impact of contemporary deep historical evidence also includes the most famous of the "West to the land" and Guangzhou, "Thirteen." The former is the Eastern Jin Dynasty monk Bodhidharma Zen Buddhism in India, from landing in Guangzhou Maritime Silk Road, to create a Chinese Zen culture; the latter is the port from the Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty Tongzhi years to the only Foreign trade and customs functions have lasted 300 years, until After the Opium War, "five trade" until the end. "Thirteen" is actually a Qing Dynasty Chinese maritime Silk Road hub and logo.

       The mid-1950s, held in Guangzhou, "Chinese Export Commodities Fair", is reopening after the founding of New China's new maritime Silk Road starting point, it can be described as a further extension of the traditional Silk Route, the originator of the new Maritime Silk Road. The fair has so far held its 100th session, led the rapid development of exhibition industry, with far-reaching Shenzhen High-Tech Fair, Fair and other, become an important symbol of the Guangdong Maritime Silk Road and the sustainable development of marine culture.

       History of exchanges based on the economic and cultural ties. Due to the implementation of national development strategies, Guangdong continued to play a "lead" the "vanguard" role in the construction of the Maritime Silk Road. Thus, Haibo came into being.

       Haibo will strive to correspond culture, based on the history and economic exchanges with China's national and regional, to "edge" of the affinity as a link to establish close relations of cooperation, through the "adjourned to the front," and root out "before edge "in order to activate the culture, that new ideas and initiatives, with historical and cultural elements that have failed to reshape a new vitality and sensibility; through the Silk Road between China and the relevant national maritime theme, work, achievement, activity, With the exhibition of this carrier, to carry forward the culture of ideas and skill, to expand its capabilities and influence.

       Currently, "Haibo would" Organizing Committee has launched the coastal part of the country's "road show" activities; collect Guangdong Province superior products, seafood docking coastal States, minerals, agricultural products, through the organization of high-end forum, academic activities and tourism and cultural activities, innovation and the development of cross-border trade commerce, shipping and logistics as well as cross-border trade RMB settlement, started preparatory work for the exhibition. Meanwhile, to dilute the administrative color exhibition, coordinated organization show folk Association as the main mode of operation to take the tender to market-oriented operations.

     Following the ASEAN Expo, Asia-Europe Expo, Northeast Asia Expo, and strive to take the lead in practicing a new strategy of national development exhibition coming soon.

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