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How the German exhibition industry by the exhibitors favored arrogant

2014-09-18 10:58:00 毕加企划部 毕加官网     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部


       Germany is held every year more than 150 international exhibition games, the number of exhibitors (about 170,000) and the number (10 million people) Jieke audience anywhere in the world the most. Exhibition Industry, also deserved to be one of the major industries in Germany.

   So, the exhibition industry to drive the German economy, how much effect? More importantly, why exhibitors are willing to participate in international exhibitions held in Germany do?

    The world's largest exhibition hall level

Germany has 22 international pavilions, the following table for the German Pavilion and Japan are two of several comparative data pavilion. Thus, known as the world's largest exhibition hall in Hanover area is the Nagoya International Exhibition Center display area of 13 times. While relatively small in Germany Stuttgart exhibition hall, its display area is also known as Japan's largest display twice the Tokyo International Exhibition Center and more.

Table: the size of the exhibition hall

Larger display area, there is more space for the exhibition organized by exhibitors. Therefore, the basic conditions, the general can be considered proportional to the number of exhibitors and the exhibition hall display area.

Funded by the local government in Germany Exhibition Company

German Pavilion is a private exhibition of all the company's operations, is a private joint-stock company. However, the shareholders of the company is the seat of local government companies.

From a historical point of view, Germany from the Middle Ages, agricultural harvest increase, began to rise in the sale of surplus agricultural products required by the market. In the year 1150 the ancient literature, Frankfurt has been documented about the exhibition held. It is said, it is because the 13th century Roman emperor to Frankfurt market fall issued a "privilege", Frankfurt began to become the economic center of Europe.

Meanwhile, with the expansion of the transaction, currency exchange each region are becoming increasingly active, so early in the 16th century, on the creation of the securities exchanges in Frankfurt, as a financial center.

Thus, for Frankfurt, the exhibition is the foundation of urban development. The current exhibition companies in Frankfurt, is funded by the local government in 1907.

Reference to "local government funding of private companies," which is the first impression that is easy to get support on the local administration, in fact, the Frankfurt exhibition company almost did not receive any administrative support. However, the local government is a shareholder of this, does make bank financing more easily.

Second, can the pavilion as a center of urban planning. Frankfurt and Hanover pavilion is not in the city center, from the motorway, close to the international airport. Also, because the show needed facilities (hotels, business centers, etc.) around the venue construction, it can be said, the city hall is the center of Germany to carry out urbanization.

Third, not only for the place where the exhibition, gave the surrounding local governments to bring greater benefits.

Frankfurt exhibition company responsible person of the "indirect economic effects." Allegedly, exhibitors or visitors every € 1 spent on the show, it will give real estate, taxis, hotels and other economic impact of EUR 15.

Meanwhile, the company's profit is increasing. It is estimated that the company brings the overall economic effect will be the show's six times the benefits obtained, directly employ 1,700 people employed. Since the exhibition industry in Germany created employment effect of 32,000 people, so any local government would not be invested.

In fact, investigate the effect of the economy on the occasion of the exhibition, Germany has given us a lot to show, give us a lot of inspiration.

Environmental viewers take local public transport travel free

Some large-scale exhibition of German exhibitors and visitors, as long as the holders of tickets, you can free ride in the city and suburbs of all public transport. Not just to and from the exhibition hall, the city and suburban transport routes are all applicable.

In fact, the German general in the car ticket, but not during the exhibition ticket. Of course, not all of the show have such services, large-scale exhibition (recently including concerts, football matches, etc.) tickets contain ticket, exhibition companies based on the number of spectators, paid travel expenses to transport.

The premise of this approach is the exhibition company and the transport operators in the region have entered into a collaboration, part of the amount of subsidies. Exhibition company responsible person, this service is not only beneficial to the audience, but also contributed to environmental protection.

International exhibition company

So, the exhibition business revenue neighboring local governments funded do? German exhibition companies are actually outside the own pavilion, get a huge amount of revenue. Moreover, foreign income, by region, the highest in Asia.

1987 Frankfurt exhibition companies planning operations the first time the exhibition in Hong Kong. At first, they are difficult to be an explanation to the major shareholder of the local government. However, these anticipated future (world market adjustment to Asia) forward-looking strategy, "with the market," the major decisions, the present situation is quite correct.

Frankfurt exhibition company's existing 28 subsidiaries, 52 partners, employees across 152 countries. Meanwhile, the German exhibition company (Hanover) in foreign long-term presence of 155 employees. Especially in Hannover and Berlin exhibition hall also has been involved in overseas construction, we are becoming "world-scale exhibition hall operating companies."

Exhibition companies take advantage of the international road also reflected in the risk diversification of economic change. According to the responsible person, international financial crisis in 2009, Eastern Europe and Russia exhibition company earnings reduced by half, reduced by 25% in other regions, but only 5 percent reduction strategy through German international exhibition company earnings, and the last 10 years can continue to raise revenue annual dividends but also to investors.

At the same time, after the international, also brings the advantage of continuous global organized. First held "world's largest" exhibition in a field in Germany, then further organize Asian versions of this type of exhibition in Asia.

For example, the Frankfurt exhibition company held a "Light + Building" International Lighting Fair and building, because the exhibition is very popular with audiences, so they headed to Moscow has held in six cities. In other cities held on the occasion, it can take full advantage of the performance when held in Frankfurt, as well as network resources accumulated held in Frankfurt.

Why exhibitors willing to participate in international exhibition

By taking these strategies, exhibitors can also use the exhibition's international network, willing to participate in an international exhibition. For example, Frankfurt's "AMPA" The show has been successful brand, currently held in 12 cities around the world. The company's one-stop service through the exhibition, exhibitors can not only smoothly to each participating city, exhibition companies can also grasp customer needs for exhibitors according to their international network resources.

In general, organized an international exhibition, mainly from the size of the venue, exhibitors, visitors and the number of angles to analyze the plan. However, surprisingly, the Frankfurt exhibition company in planning the exhibition, even the history and culture of the region, infrastructure construction, administrative services and so get a clear idea of ​​the situation. Perhaps because the German exhibition industry has been integrated into urban construction, so they organized the exhibition itself is very interested in the administrative services area.

We can say that organizing such an international event not only for the exhibition company, the exhibitors more attractive.

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