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In 2014 the world's top 100 list, refused to accept the debate

2014-09-15 10:26:00 毕加企划部 毕加官网     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部

      Not long ago, 2014 Import and Export Manager Annual Conference and China's foreign trade market report from the "Import and Export Manager" magazine sponsored the publication in Beijing. It was released in 2014 World Expo Top 100, the list shows that the average Chinese exhibition area of 100 large and medium area are lower than average, but is developing rapidly, which shows that although China is far from dominant exhibition, but rapid expansion, the contribution strong impetus for the development of global trade shows. Now, Xiao Bian Picasso exhibition just as we chat, we look at the rankings:

Ranking Description:

1. exhibitions worldwide for the selected object in the exhibition area of ​​the main carpet Top.

2. The scope is limited to trade shows, with the government as the background image display function leading exhibitions not included.

3. The exhibition is an international exhibition for a number of international exhibitors accounted for more than 20% of the total number of exhibitors.

4. Ranking adopted December 31, 2013 session of the exhibition of recent data.

5. World Expo Top 100 from the import and export manager magazine published an independent study, first introduced in 2008, released in July each year, 2014 is the seventh launch of the list.

The overall stable development, subtle adjustments

  Germany as the dominant force in the world's largest trade fairs so far no one can shake, but the growth rate is slightly lower, at the 2013 World Expo Top 100, the German exhibition more than half, to 53 seats. China last year soared to more than one seat, from 18 seats to 19 seats, in order to consolidate the status of China in the world's second-largest exhibition in the camp added a brick. United States recover from the crisis, in 100 large chart from four seats to five seats. The list of other countries have maintained their position: 8 seats France, Russia 2 seats, 2 seats in Switzerland, Spain 1 seat, see Figure 1.

Third and two, Hanover became the locomotive

In the 2014 World Expo's 100 largest exhibition before 3, Hanover exhibition accounted for two, namely International Agricultural Machinery Exhibition (AGRITECHNICA) and Hannover Industrial Fair (HANNOVER MESSE), respectively, occupy the second ranking and 3, Hannover Expo has become the locomotive of the world.

Ups and downs, little change

Through the new list we find each exhibit large country still stick to their respective shares. List changed little, relatively slow growth, China is steadily increasing share of the exhibition, in 2008 China accounted for only four seats in the Top 100 in 2014 to 19 seats, becoming the main host country of the World Expo. Faced with this situation, the German exhibition companies do not worry, already one step ahead of their counterparts in Germany, opened a global exhibition of pace and has made positive achievements in the large-scale exhibition in China, some of it is German exhibition in China sub exhibition, shown in Figure 3.

Engineering machinery and automotive two plates play a leading role

Construction Machinery Expo is the world's Top 100 of the heavyweight sector, Munich International Construction Machinery Exhibition (bauma) long occupied the first position ranking World Expo, the top 10 shows, there are four engineering machinery exhibition, In addition to the bauma exhibition, as well as Paris International Construction Machinery Exhibition (INTERMAT), Las Vegas Construction Machinery Exhibition (CONEXPO-CON / AGG) and China International Construction Machinery Exhibition (Bauma China), ranked No. 4, respectively, 5 and Article 8.

Has the same magic as well as the auto sector, the Frankfurt International Auto Aftermarket Fair (Automechanika) ranked No. 9, Las Vegas Auto Show (SEMA Show), Italy Bologna international automobile maintenance, tires and repairs Exhibition (AUTOPROMOTEC ) and Shanghai International Auto Parts Exhibition (Automechanika Shanghai), followed by Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou, China's three major auto show a not fall.

Internationalization is not enough, missed the Top 100

Top 100 World Expo exhibitions are international exhibitions, including the most basic one, international exhibitors to more than 20% of the total exhibitors, some large exhibitions such as Verona, Italy International Wine Fair, Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition China International Building and Decoration Materials Exposition are all absent because of inadequate international Top 100, and if the furniture industry, many the size of the exhibition is also very large, but the lack of international exhibitors could not be discharged into the list.

Shanghai will be the world capital of the future exhibition

  World exhibition has also been the focus of migration from west to east, the German exhibition slowly decline, while China's exhibition leaps and bounds. Since 2008, just seven years, in the Top 100 in the World Expo, China's exhibition will grow from four seats to 19. In 19 ENTRY China exhibition, Shanghai city will occupy 10. Shanghai occupies an irreplaceable primacy in China's exhibition industry. As the Commerce Department Shanghai National Convention Centre opened in September 2014 completed, Shanghai large-scale international exhibition of resources to a whole new level, Guangzhou Furniture Fair and other large exhibition Shuai Shanghai have moved further gathered from large-scale international exhibition of resources. In another seven years, China is expected to become the center of the world economy, more and more large-scale exhibition in Shanghai from a regional to a global exhibition shows the development of Shanghai will truly become the world Exhibitions.

       Picasso exhibition, the national top ten exhibition design company has first-class design team, and improve the quality of the project management system, rich experience in design and construction of the exhibition, with a show of force to create higher brand value for the enterprise.

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