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The teacher Yi Long technology to make Yi, learn how to do foreign developed countries exhibition industry

2014-09-12 11:18:00 毕加企划部 毕加官网     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部

Exhibition industry in a 1: 9 ratio driven industry gradually attracted people's attention, people began to talk about the exhibition economy from a higher level and how to greet the arrival of the era of exhibition economy. Picasso exhibition company exhibition design small series developed from the world exhibition industry in Germany, France, the United States and Singapore and other countries start systematically expounded its more mature exhibition mode of operation.

International exhibition industry after 150 years of development, its mode of operation has been very mature. Germany, France, the United States, Singapore and other developed countries in the long process of development gradually formed a government-driven, market-oriented, business-driven and market-bound government four kinds of mature mode of operation, accounting for the exhibition industry in the world development process absolute advantage. Analysis of the mode of operation of its convention and exhibition industry, to promote the healthy and rapid development of China's exhibition economy, with reference.

Germany - vertical mode of operation of government-driven

German exhibition venue by the government invest in the construction and management, the government will exhibition industry as a pillar industry to support, for example, the German Federal Ministry of Economics Ministry are to overseas exhibitions provide direct financial support annually. This administrative action involved, large enterprises play a leading exhibition, convention and exhibition industry associations of small and medium enterprise wide participation pattern is called "vertical operating mode." In Germany, the exhibition industry has its own trade association - the German Trade Fair Industry Association (AUMA). Government departments and industry associations just governance and collaborators of the exhibition industry, not directly involved in organizing the exhibition. German exhibition venue by the government invest in the construction and management, the government will exhibition industry as a pillar industry to support, for example, the German Federal Ministry of Economics Ministry are to overseas exhibitions every year to provide direct financial support, but also by a specific organization or agency, organization German companies to participate in exhibitions abroad. Local exhibition company has its own large exhibition venues, the government holding company set up collective commercial operation, implementation of enterprise management, but also a clear-funded projects, the development official participants plan.

This administrative action involved, large enterprises play a leading exhibition, convention and exhibition industry associations of small and medium enterprise wide participation pattern is called "vertical operating mode", the outstanding feature is emphasized role of government, domestic government agencies, outside the civil society.

Germany's becoming a global convention center, because of its convention and exhibition industry to implement large-scale industrial operation, exhibitions with professional and international features. Currently, the world's top 10 largest exhibition companies turnover in five in Germany. According to AUMA International Director Si Binge presentation, held in Germany every year about 300 exhibitions, including international and domestic exhibition exhibition 50/50, two-thirds of the world's top trade fairs held in Germany.

Another key success factor is the organizational model and the success of the German industrial structure exhibition industry. German exhibition industry to build long-term development of the industry-based division of labor, the division of the region, supplemented by powerful exhibition for the global network. Germany established the first principles of the exhibition industry segments is clear. On the basis of a clear division on the industry, the region gradually formed a unique exhibition brands. Germany Hanover, Frankfurt, Munich and other cities are internationally renowned exhibition, in these medium-sized cities are usually open for the exhibition industry in a particular area, to build a special exhibition hall. The main form of exhibition Expo is not comprehensive, but with a strong professional nature.

United States - level business-driven mode of operation

Management of American exhibition industry mainly depends on industry self-regulation, part of a business-driven management model, the enterprise is characterized by voluntary participation, there is no specific government departments through administrative means to direct management of the exhibition industry. Any commercial organizations and trade organizations do not need special approval process can enter the exhibition industry.

American exhibition industry is a rising star in the world, held annually show nearly ten thousand. Currently, Las Vegas, Orlando, Chicago, etc., have become well-known US city convention center, a number of professional associations influence is increasing as the US International Association for Exhibition Management (IAEM), United States Professional Conference Managers Association (PCMA) and the like.

Management of American exhibition industry mainly depends on industry self-regulation, part of a business-driven management model, the enterprise is characterized by voluntary participation, a strong civil resistance, the main responsibility for managing relatively independently through self-regulatory mechanisms. There is no specific government departments through administrative means to directly manage the exhibition industry. Any commercial organizations and trade organizations do not need special approval process can enter the exhibition industry, and its exhibition project basic need for approval. The most important feature of this model is to promote independent, when exhibition companies encounter problems in the development process, will be out of order to safeguard their own interests and the needs of the market, was forced to have the impulse to form trade associations, try to use the industry self-regulatory approach specification market order.

Industry associations to provide enterprises with technology and information services, coordination between government, business, consumers, while the strength of strong industry associations, such as the US Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers and the federal government, parliament have maintained close contact. When the conflict between government and enterprises, these industry associations seeking support and involvement of Parliament, in accordance with the principle of checks and balances opposition has long admired the Americans deal with the relationship between government and industry associations.

US government MICE industry to provide indirect support, through the quality and level of the exhibition group exhibition certification and oversight to ensure American companies to participate in either domestic or overseas exhibitors exhibition exhibitors can achieve better results. By the US Department of Commerce in charge of the business development certification program for US companies overseas exhibitors collective activities of the organization to review, monitor and provide related services. For granted "trade show certification" Credentials eligible, certified Organizer can be used to grant the United States Department of Commerce's Trade Fair Certification Logo breeze materials and group exhibition in promotional materials; US Department of Commerce, through its branch business organizations at home and abroad propaganda certified exhibition project, and provide service and support exhibiting companies and export business negotiation. In addition, the US Department of Commerce through the implementation of "international buyers item" to a large number of high-quality professional visitors to the exhibition site, the US exhibitors no country can effectively reach potential customers from around the world.

France - comprehensive market-oriented mode of operation

In France, as the representative of "integrated mode of operation" means the market under the impetus of the government involved in the management. Such as exhibition facilities invested by the government, consisting of state-owned company responsible for the pavilion venue management, not to operate the exhibition project. The company is not involved in the exhibition hall management, mainly engaged in the exhibition project management.

Large-scale exhibition France international level continues to increase, after years of development, the French exhibition industry has formed its own unique mode of operation.

In France, as the representative of "integrated mode of operation" means the market under the impetus of the government involved in the management. Such as exhibition facilities invested by the government, consisting of state-owned company responsible for the pavilion venue management, not to operate the exhibition project. The exhibition company will not have exhibition facilities, nor participate in the exhibition hall management, project management is mainly engaged in the exhibition. For this business division way, the French industry authorities believe that this exhibition to promote fair competition between companies, but also conducive to the venue to concentrate venue services. This finer than the German model of social division, will help improve the professional level of exhibition services.

Throughout the mode of operation, the French Convention Committee and the German AUMA same right to exercise macro-management, in addition to the development of relevant management systems, training of personnel, but also responsible for the budget and funds dominate the exhibition, prepared the program of work for the next year, and to listen to the views and opinions of the enterprises concerned at the Embassy of the economy concerned, and to the Minister in charge of the report, in the discussion of the annual budget final decision.

Singapore - Integrated mode of operation of government-led

Singapore's MICE industry that is based on the government for the main business development model. Singapore Tourism Board's Exhibition and Convention Agency, the main task is to coordinate, work with exhibition companies in the international presentation Singapore International Convention and Exhibition organized by the advantages, the promotion of various exhibition held in Singapore, the agency does not charge any fees to the exhibition company.

The size and level of Asian exhibition industry though and European countries, but in some Asian countries with their different advantages, as a big country exhibition in the region, Singapore is one of the best. Singapore has 17 years to become Asia's premier exhibition venue cities, large-scale activities, exhibitions and conferences held annually up to 3200, an average of more than 40 million international tourists to Singapore to participate in more than 4,000 international conferences and exhibitions and trade shows every year, per capita Consumption of more than $ 2,000.

Singapore's MICE industry is a government-led, the Singapore Tourism Board exhibition and conference department was built in 1974, the main task is to coordinate, work with exhibition companies to introduce the advantages of the Singapore International Convention and Exhibition organized by the conditions in the international arena, the promotion held in Singapore each kind exhibition. The department is not the management, but coordination work exhibition company, and does not charge any fees to the Singapore Exhibition Company. Exhibition held in Singapore does not have any regulations, organized the exhibition does not require any approval procedures.

Development of exhibition economy, the pavilion building is one of the primary condition. Singapore Expo is a government-backed investment PSA established Expo Centre exhibition area of ​​60,000 square meters, the annual venue occupancy rate of 45%.

Another very unique Fairgrounds is the Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre (Suntec City), it is understood, Suntec completed the second year sold two buildings to recover the investment. The center total floor area of ​​100,000 square meters, in various meetings held here every year, there are more than 1,200 exhibitions and other activities, many international summits are held here.

The main role of government is to promote economic activity and strengthen infrastructure construction, the Singapore Tourism Board's Exhibition and Convention Department has plans to introduce to the world tourism and convention areas in Singapore every year and Singapore Exhibition economic seminar held in the world, allow countries to understand the advantages of Singapore. With its well-developed transportation, communication and other infrastructure, high service standards, high international openness and high prevalence of English in Singapore for 17 consecutive years to become Asia's premier exhibition venue cities.

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