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Booth design requirements

2017-03-02 10:30:19     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部

Booth design requirements

1 be concise and not complicated
Most people accept the limited information in an instant. The audience can only walk in a hurry, if you cannot get clear information at the moment, no interest. In addition, it is easy to reduce the complex booth booth personnel work efficiency. The exhibits should choose representative decoration, must have the choice to be discarded. Simple, lively is the best way to attract the audience. Photographs, charts, text should be clear, concise and decorative design exhibition. The goal and content independent exhibition should be reduced to the minimum degree.

2 to be harmonious, not chaotic
The booth is composed of many factors, including layout, lighting, color, graphics, exhibits, display, exhibition etc.. Good design is the combination of these factors into one, to help exhibitors to display.

3 to express the theme, clearly convey information
The theme is the exhibitors wish to convey basic information and impressions of visitors, exhibitors or product itself is usually clear. The theme is focus on the one hand, is to use the appropriate color on the other hand, the chart and layout, with a coordinated manner to create unified impression.

4 to highlight the focus
Show its center, has the focus. The focus of the booth to attract attention. The choice of the focus should serve the exhibition objective, usually are special products, new products, the most important product or value of the products. The location, layout, lighting and other means of focused exhibits

5 to have eye-catching signs
Out of the ordinary can attract more visitors, then visit easier to identify for the visitors into the booth will impress, and will be in touch memories. Designed to be unique, but not from the display target and business image.

6 to design from the perspective of the target audience
Traditional design, especially the temples, palaces, such as banks, emphasizing the eternal, authoritative and spectacular. But in a competitive exhibition, exhibition success is largely relying on the audience's interest and response. Therefore, the exhibition design should consider, the main target audience is the purpose, emotion, interest, view, reaction and other factors. The design from the angle of the target audience, easy to attract the audience's attention, empathy, and target audience left a deep impression.

7 to consider the flow arrangement
Exhibitors may wish in the booth can walk freely within a large number of viewers might hope to attract a large audience, but only by screening the audience into the booth; may want to record every audience data may wish to record only after a screening of the audience; or even consider this work. Booth arrangements for crowd control management key factors. Therefore, the designers to understand what people want exhibitors at the beginning.

8 to consider space
Designers have to consider the number of booth staff visit and see the number. The crowded booth efficiency is not good, but also make some target audiences lost interest. In turn, the empty booth will also have the same effect. In this regard, booth area is the main factor.

9 easy to remove Jianyi booth
Booth structure should be simple, can be installed within the specified time. Construction time is usually determined by the exhibition organizers. Designers should be aware of the construction time before the start of the design

10 design should be careful, not easy to change
Design, be considerate and comprehensive, design a thorough discussion with don't change easily, especially not in the late change, change may delay construction, increase costs, and even affect the opening. The budget is often the source of contradiction. There may be a large gap between budget and design. As a designer, must accept the budget and try to do design work within budget. If the budget is not clear, does not mean no limit. This is likely to cause a lot of trouble. If too much spending in design and construction, design personnel should take responsibility. Therefore, to make clear the standard budget, expenditure control, arrange all the items and standards, good design and construction work in the budget.


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