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See how to build the international exhibition of Kunming

2014-06-11 09:27:00 毕加企划部 毕加官网     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部


       1999, for a period of 184 days of World Horticultural Exposition, breath will speed the process of building Kunming city for 10 years, the city has become a watershed in the history of Kunming, and leave a successful model to be copied.

       From this incident, Kunming, and the development process has always been "fair" devotion. From the "Expo" to "CAEXPO will be" from the "Asian Arts Festival" to "CAST Annual Meeting", the exhibition has become the city's colors in the frequent "party", every once in a while, we should meet once in Kunming to develop the theme of "Carnival."

"Build China for Southeast Asia, South Asia, the exhibition of all" is written in Kunming's urban development plan, in addition to proposed phased development goals, Kunming, which is trying to explore the internal relations and effective model.

       In fact, over the past ten years Kunming deepen and practice "fair and promote development" concept, bringing not just a simple increase in trade figures, more importantly, it is leveraging the massive urban infrastructure investment and ultimately make you look my city life changed upside down.

       Derivatives of the exhibition, and publicity for Kunming shaping the image of fertile land for investment, to enhance the visibility of the world-renowned tourist city, attracting a large number of people gathered and consumed, both are valuable contribution.

Expo: the urban development of "model"

       Show an example of changing the city's most typical than in 1999 at the World Horticultural Exposition (hereinafter referred to as "Expo '99"). Today, many people still on the Kunming "Expo '99" never forget that this is a modern Kunming significance of "rite" and even still define and influence the current development of Kunming city.

1996, Kunming obtain "Expo '99" the right to host, the first time to start, "three years making the city" initiative. The economy is not developed provinces, to breath the stunning transformation of the city to spend 18.36 billion yuan.

       A set of data shows: In the meantime, Kunming construction, expansion of urban road 69, the new 23 overpass; New Year transport passengers more than ten million of the terminal; built five four-star hotels, star hotels reached 138 , of which the introduction of such as Westin, Hilton, Marriott, Shanghai Jinjiang, Sheraton and a number of international and domestic hotel management group management; organization and implementation of the 40 big construction projects ......

       Common view is that, three years made the city of Kunming city full make-building process speed for 10 years. Kunming City Planning and Design Institute consultant with the chief engineer Chen Xinghua as saying: "It is to promote the rapid development of Kunming overall urban planning and urban construction preparation."

Second Ring Road, Renmin Road, Dongfeng Road, Golden Road ...... a series of built in "making the city three years' time on the road, still plays a key role in the city's road network.


ASEAN Expo: Kunming to help usher in the "second spring"

       Changes in the urban landscape is certainly intuitive, but in fact, "Expo '99" to bring influence to Kunming, the city is also reflected in improving visibility, increase external investment, and even enhance the quality of citizens and other aspects. A set of data can explain themselves: the number of participants up to millions of people, only ticket sales reached more than 300 million yuan, driven by the tertiary sector more than 30 billion yuan, while stimulating economic growth in Yunnan Province, 314 percent.

       In fact, the "Expo 99" is more like an urban development "model." In the huge success of encouragement over the past 10 years, Kunming, almost did not let any opportunity for a similar event. In Kunming hope has proven to be feasible, Copy, "Expo 99" successful experience, boost the pace of development of the city again.

       If we say that the Greater Mekong Subregion Summit 2005 (GMS) meeting marked the international summit held in Kunming have the conditions and ability to develop and improve the ability to enter the exhibition both stages. So, in 2013 the first CAEXPO success, it marks Kunming exhibition industry has entered a new stage, in Southeast Asia, South Asia Regional Exhibition City.

Of course, there is a more realistic view, CAEXPO will be held, is following the "Expo '99", Kunming modern development process ushered in the "second spring" break even this is seen as unique in Yunnan panacea large cities, the capital city is currently facing various problems.

"The show changed city" proved to be effective

       Before the first CAEXPO held in Kunming "urban disease" to highlight the growing traffic congestion in particular bear the brunt. And subject to the inherent lack of explosive urban small volume and characteristics of the single center of the city, Kunming no bitter siege of dollars. Kunming, hoping to force the show again to complete a leap.

In fact, in China, and the world, "the exhibition change the city" has been accepted theory, Shanghai, Shenyang, Nanning, Guangzhou are all success stories. Thus, Kunming cherish every opportunity to hold an exhibition, in fact, is firmly grasp every opportunity to promote urban development and optimization.

       In addition, as a rich tourist resources Kunming city, in recent years, tourism has gradually become a transit point for gold from the tourist destination, its situation can not be left unchecked. Currently, Kunming proposed building a world-renowned tourist city. To achieve this goal, in addition to root out the tourism resources, create excellent tourism products, is inseparable from greater publicity and enhance the city's reputation. The exhibition as a link inside and outside the city, or even a high-quality domestic and international carriers, just to provide good support for the promotion of tourism in Kunming.

       So, whether it is based on internal factors optimize the function, layout, or from the effects of increased external world famous tourist city outreach considerations, Kunming are needed and are ongoing efforts to promote their "MICE industry" development.



Kunming Exhibition Development Timeline


In 1993, the stadium completed, successfully held the first session of the China Kunming Import and Export Fair, Kunming exhibition industry started the originator.

development of

In 1999 successfully held the World Horticultural Exposition for the mark, with a major exhibition organized by international conditions and the ability to enter the stage of rapid development.


In 2005, the success of the Greater Mekong Subregion Summit (GMS) meeting marked with the organization of international summits conditions and capabilities into the development and improvement of both stages.

New Stage

In June 2013, the first ASEAN Expo successfully held, marking the Kunming exhibition industry into a new level and become Southeast Asia, South Asia Regional Exhibition City.



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