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How the industry will be the target customer?

2016-12-14 09:48:30     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部

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Introduction: each year hundreds of thousands of dollars were wasted in one billion industry exhibition marketing activities. Expensive stalls, luxury travel, gorgeous marketing materials.
Of course, I love in Orlando, Chicago or Las Vegas to stay for a few days, this and other sales personnel. But for you in the marketing investment money, here is a big question: what happens in Las Vegas will stay in Las vegas.
If you are responsible for finding the target customers, what should you do to improve your success rate? In addition to the booth babes and free candy ( this is how, for Halloween? ) Besides, you can try these methods:
1, don't waste money
First of all, to understand the target customer is an investment, so this activity should be carefully and other investment measure. So don't in the absence of the effect method to waste money. You can do the best marketing investment is to follow the target customers to obtain the formula, provide useful information to potential customers.
In 2, attracting the right potential customers
To establish a system to attract real potential customers, but not those who want free pineapple or rented model chat with those guys. ( sales and marketing in one of the greatest sin is to dig out the lack of tracking target customers, but this is another topic. ) You in the booth provides everything ought to be and you provide solutions are closely related. On your way to interested persons will become less, but those who are still interested persons will be more interested in.
3, help the target customers to obtain information
When I'm in a show at the time, I found myself being submerged in the various marketing information ocean. Caught my eye was a man dressed in a reading "Hack U" coatee University cheerleaders ( I know, this sounds like the booth babes, but please wait ). Booth advertising wrote," in Hack U, you will learn how hackers think, how to work, to understand how they are from your game revenue and how you can prevent this from happening." The advertisement also wrote," have a look our booth can get something to eat, you can attend our meeting." Yes, they used the free food, but it's not all they.
4, released a white paper
" Hacker University" ( it is Hack U the old man ) is the crystallization of the wisdom of Macrovision, this is a California company, they help the software industry to protect their software and license. To participate in the corporate events the people can get Macrovision a game content protection" return on investment" white paper.
5, timely
Hack U provides game hacking activities with the latest news, and these behaviors in the real world caused the income effect. The hacker community before paying attention to individual computer and online games, now they have been extended to Xbox and PlayStation 3, further affecting the game developer and publisher of income.
6, conversation, not just in the field
Macrovision failed to pass by booth as the tide pedestrian distribute such as a company LOGO pens or other small jewelry and souvenirs ( this is the marketing hype ), they were able to attract potential customers to talk to, talk about how to solve the problems they face ( help marketing ).
7, research
Prospective clients today by a large number of speak generally seminars, lectures and articles on bomb savagely, they cannot take the author or speaker with his or her rival distinguish. To solve this problem the answer is a neglected instrument: the potential customers interested in the subject research.
8, to provide them with data
The Macrovision on 9000video game player was investigated, the findings revealed a21% game machine game player and 40% computer game player playing the pirate game. More importantly, if the free version cannot be immediately available, about 73% of the game player will be in a month to buy the game.
This is what you want from trade show potential customers to hear feedback:" thank you for your help." In the business world, this is we can get and need everything.



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