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the twenty-first Guangzhou international art exposition opened in Pazhou Complex

2016-12-05 10:09:51     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部

Booth design and construction company reported: in December 2nd, the twenty-first Guangzhou international art exposition opened in Pazhou Complex
Cultural innovation in Guangzhou

When the outside of Guangzhou before the three season is still concerned about the number of economic indicators from national or Southern China first, in third city economic China position, Guangzhou and the cultural innovation quietly force, build cultural industries ground. The culture of science and technology, cultural tourism, cultural and financial innovation, integration of the development of culture and sports culture industry, Guangzhou has been out of their own a unique cultural industry development path.

Starting today, Jinyang launched the "cultural innovation in Guangzhou" series of reports, please readers attention.
This month, Guangzhou cultural exhibition wave after wave of.12 2, the Guangzhou Art Fair in December 5th; 2016, the second Guangzhou International Cultural Relics Museum copyright fair "(hereinafter referred to as the" second fair version, "the sixth session of the fair) Chinese international copyright Expo opened. In recent years, Guangzhou organized by rich and colorful the cultural exhibition attracted museums around the world, artists gathered in Guangzhou, Guangzhou in the Polish cultural brand at the same time, also led to the development of cultural industry.
Attract 250 thousand people to participate in the art event
In 1993, the first session of the China Art Fair held in Guangzhou; in 1996, the first Guangzhou International Art Fair Art Fair in independence from Chinese; in 2009, the Guangzhou Art Fair for the first time in the operation of the market, by way of public bidding is operated by professional companies. In more than and 20 years, the Guangzhou art fair market firmly take the road of development. Make Guangzhou become a proud, in the National Art Fair has decisive influence.
In the Guangzhou Art Fair Organizing Committee Executive Secretary Zhu Ruilin, the Guangzhou Art Fair contribution to Guangzhou, led to the upstream and downstream industry development. Not only in the art of calligraphy and painting, but also led to the development of peripheral industries. At the same time, the Guangzhou Art Fair in Guangzhou has become a cultural name card, Guangzhou Art Fair admission audience of 250 thousand people, has become Chinese a large art event, the other will have to take the national art, Guangzhou Art Fair benchmarking.
The World Museum tour"
From last year, the public at home in Guangzhou can be a "global Museum Tour", enjoy the domestic and International Museum of literary and creative works.
According to reports, the first version of fair fair attracted more than 100 domestic and overseas famous museums in more than ten thousand pieces of cultural and creative boutique Museum scene shows the Old Summer Palace. Among them, 4 beast treasures - ox, monkey, tiger and pig first edition in the fair fair debut, the people who opened the horizons.
This year the second fair fair attracted the French version of the National Museum of natural history museum, the famous the Imperial Palace Museum in China. And the deputy director of the Guangzhou city media Bureau Ou Caiqun said: "this version of fair will be reflected in Guangzhou as a historical and cultural city appeal, inject new content for the construction of Guangzhou historical and cultural city, but also for Guangzhou in twenty-first Century the construction of the maritime Silk Road, through regional cooperation has brought new opportunities"
Guangzhou Art Fair
Exhibition area: 2009 is more than 10 thousand square meters, 2016 has nearly 30 thousand square meters, the first in the country;
Variety of Art: the first national art exhibition;
Turnover: 2009 for about 50000000 yuan, 2015 has reached 550 million yuan, 8 years turnover turned over 10 times;
Attendance: 2015 has reached 250 thousand people.
The first edition of Guangzhou cultural fair
Trading intentions: the museum's copyright transactions and brand licensing special promotional deals reached a cooperation intention, signed a cooperative intent book of units reached 100;
Total sales volume: 500 million yuan;
Intentional contract amount: 20 billion;
Admission: more than 25 thousand passengers admission.
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