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Under the new situation, the parties to work together for the exhibition industry and industrial exhibition of the integration of development efforts

2016-11-23 10:17:57     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部

Recently to salute the innovators as the theme of the exhibition conference 2016, Xu Jing "in October 28 - 29 in Shanghai, China held a meeting, government representatives and representatives of the exhibition industry guests launched a dialogue with the deep. The topic focuses on the" new forces "under the new situation of the new local economic exhibition the" industry "in" the exhibition value "," three aspects "of the equilibrium point of industrial exhibition organizers and government demand.

Big data industry is an important engine for the development of new economy
Dialogue first through the guests to their respective industries, where the region and the impact on the local economy to discuss the presence of guests believe that the big data industry is an important engine of the new economic development.
"12th Five-Year" since the local economic, social development has greatly

accelerated, especially in the construction of the open economy. The exhibition theme is "innovation", so the country should be to innovation and development as an important engine of economic and social development to grasp, through analysis, combined with its own natural environment, unique advantages national culture in the development of new economy, unremittingly efforts.
Industry exhibition is a new direction of development in the new situation
The guests that the exhibition is a part of the work of industry, the exhibition aims to promote the development of the industry. In the developed city, the exhibition industry is not a problem. From the current trend, the international trend is the development of the professional exhibition exhibition.
However, many of the two or three line of the city Chinese there are exhibition structure is very unreasonable phenomenon. A large number of government led exhibition, on the development of industry and not much promotion. With the same title, content, homogenization, the same mode of operation, a lot of waste of resources and disorderly competition is the widespread problem of exhibition not for the exhibition. The exhibition and exhibition, but in order to more effectively promote the industry development.

The parties to work together for the exhibition industry and industrial exhibition of the integration of development effortsFrom the entire industry, the exhibition industry is not only the organizer of trade associations, and some large state-owned enterprises, private organizations. In fact, even as private enterprises have a considerable difficulty in making industry. This requires companies to play, this play is actually a quality problem, but more of a for a long time. The functions of industry associations and enterprises to contact, because it is given and have such a function.

The future development of enterprises, especially private enterprises to do more than show, and the government made the link, also hope to be able to trade associations and organizations have a close cooperation, both sides will play a role in the different functions of the system. In this way, the exhibition industry will erupt in a very strong power.

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