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what can we learn from the hidden big roal

2016-11-18 09:47:17     点击数:      来源:毕加企划部

For a long time, Chinese exhibition industry there is a two different attributes, namely dominant big coffee and invisible big coffee. No matter the exhibition enterprise or the field of theoretical research, the all-powerful, strategizing people, or the number of code on the road, where the Yin, is the dominant big coffee. At the same time, also need attention, in the Great Exhibition in the tide, a group of mainstay exhibition will have the opportunity before, perpendicular and horizontal dripping. At a time when Chinese, intends to the exhibition industry on the occasion, should search and dig this kind of invisible big coffee ecological law, thought the service practice.
People ask, what kind of people belonging to the invisible exhibition of great coffee, how they ecological law and the way of existence, whether from them should learn what?

This should be speaking from the exhibition industry classification: two main lines, namely the exhibition and conference.
From the perspective of national conditions, a kind of service to expand the country's foreign trade demand, the earliest representative national organizations of domestic high-quality enterprises and products to overseas exhibitions, promote domestic enterprises to enter the international market. With the evolution of the reform and opening up and institutional change, and a portion of them to leadership positions, a part of the market after the subversion the mechanism of the fighting in the exhibition line, some follow the pulse of the market economy, with the occupation managers, and other partners to participate in the exhibition market status, China start and segmentation of the competition.

As the saying goes, a person can go far, to trace the origin of the original exploration of family. The invisible cafe, them were deeply implanted Chinese primary exhibition culture personality. Take whatever job, even if not in line, and still pay attention to internationalization and Chinese characteristics thinking influences China exhibition culture. One of a group of professionals take on the trend of reform and opening up, who has a strong national circumstances, but also by the international exhibition and cultural baptism, not in the system, one is the exhibition industry, silent, hidden in the exhibition arena.
A class is more hidden in the exhibition industry. Most of these people have "God's favored one" original background, but also has innovations. They learn from other's merits in the face of "internationalization and market-oriented new living environment, renewed youth, as follow model of industry chain downstream" be like Wu "the object of worship.

This kind of organization and person, decades of infiltration in the related industries, more interested in the exhibition industry, industry endorsement. To sum up in a word, they have little contact with the exhibition circle of people "playing", they play their machinery, their cars, their pigs and horses cattle and sheep, they are not in the exhibition. The "scholar's four jewels"'s eyes swinging. Occasionally see their shadows or information, but also through a window or undertake the city's official media platform.

Next, we will view into the meeting business.
With the rapid development of WeChat, the mobile phone exhibition often receives through the system of professional review and normative industry rules and common sense. The source of this kind of rules, norms and practitioner in where? In fact, they are not only the administrative standard and practitioner, is familiar with international practice operation. They write the specification etiquette, procedure manuals, be regarded as a model of China conference service, fully capable of meeting as service enterprises. They are China manual administrative system of precipitation and accumulated experience, the conference technology trader is normative, model, system, international, is a great fortune China meeting the industry, which has many years of experience and the international conference to undertake combing improve program industry, will no longer be just an executive, speaking of the industry, he is fully worthy of meeting large coffee in the world.
In view of this, they can be seen from a successful exhibition in the exhibition organizers, well versed in law and technology at the same time, should first become the industry exhibition theme in the master degree, the leader of the planning and sweep down irresistibly from a commanding height, so the exhibition organization and supporting activities with real industry leader, to promote the exhibition time vigor and vitality. In a word, he should become an expert or if an exhibition, industry, industry experts, so that we can make the exhibition the real value highlight and regression.

The same is placed in the conference area, in the planning and implementation of conference theme selection, conference services, should explore the valuable content to the manual, and the political and economic, industry, enterprise meeting to meet national strategic planning, industrial demand and international political and business rules to enhance the overall the planning and service level. So, China meeting industry skill pattern, as have large, and not satisfied with landing operations.
Further, the invisible coffee should be rooted in between the industry and the market demand. As the advocates of industrial exhibition, China exhibition Economic Research Association executive vice president Chu Xiangyin said, is the soul and essence of the exhibition industry, exhibition industry is the form and carrier. If the exhibition is a quack, all visible and invisible exhibition coffee will stand in the exhibition industry in the forefront of the new blue ocean. At this time, it has no explicit and implicit points


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